😱SHE TOOK THE LEGGINGS OFF!!!!! 🤤🍑(Try On Haul) Hezo - Music Chanel RSS

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

😱SHE TOOK THE LEGGINGS OFF!!!!! 🤤🍑(Try On Haul) Hezo

Best comment

  1. Cammy XXX_badvibesforever: When he got up in the chair
  2. Esha Barnett: Yhu can only get a yeast infection if too tightt
  3. Jaliyah Johnson: “She got a long fat booty”😭😂
  4. Shaymonik Preddy: Who else know the whole intro song🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
  5. It’s Just Jazzy: Hezoooooo🤤💙
  6. Filandra Castillo: 3:56-4:00 😂😭 killed me bro LMFAOAOAO LOVE U HEZO
  7. mightyjosamson: What's the intro song tho..💯🔥
  8. Taomi Molden: These better be good if they better than all those brand🤔😫😬😰
  9. Patia Liddell: Yes u can
  10. Kassie Winstead: 16:30 👋👋 righ here 😝
  11. Msp Gang ! ! ! !: You can get a yeast infection if they to tight in your vagina area🙄 but I loves you hezoo❤ I'm not active but I watch all your videos🤪
  12. Jennifer Ramnarine: She ah hoe when she showed the camera that the last tights couldn’t go up 🙄🙄
  13. Lacey Bing: White people dont say bum😂😂 British ppl do
  14. Cedric Robertson: 🙏👭
  15. Kyleigh Leffel: I will
  16. VK MAN: Hi
  17. Queen KeiKei: Iam Jowi faaacts 😩😂😂😂
  18. Paradise Billingsley: 11:11 ong i notice that she keep touchen🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️ ha self like girrll they to tight and u not even doing real squats but her body nice she just don't have no hips like that 11:20 if ur struggling to get pusyy call 1-800 get pussy more often than u do 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤷‍♀️ llf but i did like the purple ones on her 😜
  19. Jae K: U need to react to one of Nastassia ponomarenko videos she dumb thickkk
  20. John Williams: Lmao bruh this lil white bad bitch thick asf i try hittin it but she only like blacks or mixs 😭😂 her instagram @baddie_peb
  21. rhesa lazare: You so cute❤💙💚💜✌
  22. Black Kitty: she literally just wanted attention...like okay.
  23. Lovely Hopee: He said she got a long fat booty 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  24. Christina Purifoy: Im white and I've only ever fucked black boys.. 🤷 no, not raped. I lost my virginity to a black boy. No white dick has ever been in me. So that's not true 😂
  25. Shenise Willis: Clicked on this first thing out of school
  26. Heaven Bradshaw: When hezo said Merch coming soon I was like oh shit my nigga got the merch I want a jacket so them 7thand8th graders know who I fuck wit the most favorite YouTuber like I'm fr😘
  27. icarry TSM: Nigga you was on some other bs
  28. Dezarae Burton: She a hoe fo dat✋
  29. Nicole Thomas: +420 basterds om mfs be forcing it😂
  30. Lakerri Brown: Theme song
  31. Shakyha Tennial: U a fucking trip😂😂
  32. Kianna Johnson: Yes Uu Xan Get A Yeast Infextion From Wearing ANY Type Of Tight Xlothing💯
  33. Mosthated tay Dunbar: Been looking for the song in the intro
  34. Issa Besties: Hezomelo💕😍
  35. It'sMoe: Ouu merch
  36. Cammy XXX_badvibesforever: I’m dead😂😂😂
  37. Micaela Nelson: Hezzzzzy💛
  38. Itsjustkai.A.Z A.: 11:11 FREAKYYY that lil smrik laugh boi u aint slick🤣🤣😂
  39. Ekya Graham: how you ride that mufcka? LIKE DAAAAT
  40. Brooke’s Life!: You cute tbh👅💕🤤🤤
  41. kay: Census says that the second most popular interracial couple is a black man and white woman.
  42. Tsumia71: 11:57 has me out of it kml 😂😂😂
  43. F-zero91maru: Bardi girl good one
  44. queen tt: You can get a yeast infection from anything, even tight underwear 😂😂rs !
  45. Chloe Chambers: Wassup
  46. Thad C: I was saying the same shit watching this 😂
  47. Bhad_ Barbie: On 18:26 some white females do that 😂 but they cappin it’s not rape when u down to get the dick period 🤷🏼‍♀️💀 
  49. Azzurah’s Playroom: React to dizz gambino loyalty
  50. Calyce Wilkins: Can you react to the daddy I’m coming challenge please
  51. Hannah-Mae Gordon: U funny as fuck nigga don’t switch up
  52. BIG Head: Queen KeiKei 😂😂😂
  53. risaa 23: whats her name channel
  54. Destiny Schutt: Hezo is the best youtuber and i liked and comment and sub and i hit that bell(notification squad
  55. Collin Hall: 200k on the way Brodie
  56. Rayyy M: Love you💓
  57. SAINT ari: he callin her thick nd shit w her tiny lil ass 💀 like black booty WHEREE my nigga im done this man never had no good booty if he think she thick bruh im fuckin cryin 😂
  58. Famously Shaa: She kinda thick for a whit girl though
  59. Ya'nita Taylor: Firsttt u don’t know how fast I clicked this shii❤️ and I’ll say hell nah😂😂
  60. Jayla Flaniken: Do hard rock steady rock
  61. Dem Kids: Hurry up and post the party vlog
  62. Sedena Henderson: My favorite YOUTUBER😉❤️❤️
  63. Ashanti Ross: Hezo I hope you get 100million it's coming baby I know it is
  64. Trevere Swanston: He cute and funny
  65. Irma Davis: I will say hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll no
  66. Blandian _Samara: I CANT BELIEVE SHE DID THAT ON YT!! Nahhh she a whole hoe...sorry
  67. Just Rey: No, you can’t get a yeast infection by leggings 💀💀💀🤦🏽‍♀️
  68. Lillian Asiamah: your reactions be funny
  69. Kierra King: You a freak
  70. YGKxGucciYT: What is his intro song name
  71. Destiny J: Nonfiction gang wya😍🤪
  72. Mango Jay: *"thats not even a real squat"* 😂I'm dead
  73. Aneiya Herring: Ayeeee we close to 200k
  74. Lorencia Sanders: the same pants just different colors 👀but...i dont have to wear it
  75. Nevaeh and austen yt: Your nasty talking about people's buty
  76. Lateah Atlas: His hole mood changed lmaooooo from 10:16 to 18:26
  77. mariah cook: I was laughing hard at this vid
  78. QueenJ Nation: She new she can put them pants on she was just tryna show some skin like if you agree
  79. Hoe r us Ava: We all ik he got the lotion after this video was done
  80. Angelica Ulibarri: Fiber ass😭♥️🤫
  81. Aurelia Mims: 💎💎
  82. Paris Underwood: Ready for dat merch to come out 🔥
  83. Tsumia71: Lol
  84. Jayhelen Williams: they at 222 west 69th st
  85. Lil_bribri01: Right here!!!
  86. Kayla H.: Hero you just ruined my breakfast by saying “Can you get a yeast infection y wearing leggings?” Bro whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!,?.?????!,
  87. Tiara Simon: I love your videos ❤️ 💕 but plz stop stopping the video
  88. blue diamond: Love u hezo😘😘😘❤❤❤
  89. ãngel hester: this nigga freaky asf
  90. Shamora Beal: Bro his reaction to her but
  91. Brazyy Mani: 12:23😂im half white too but Frfr
  92. Pyt Tejadaa: Yesss 😍😍 , Keep Coming Through With The Videos Hezo !
  93. Erionna Jordan: I WANT MY 200K HEZY MEZY SHIRT ‼️‼️‼️ I been here since the beginning so I better get one
  94. Alyana love: She fr aint gotta do all that
  95. jasmine brown: It’s like niagara falls she said nia gar a 😂😂😂
  96. Jalonda Marshall: If the leggings are so tight then yes but if there lose and comfortable
  97. Asap Chyron: U tlkn like u low-key jealous Just saying......👐
  98. miley coleman: How you ride that mf ?😂😂hezo really ...lol and he said what is u doin twerking?😂😂
  99. Dee Joyce: That's what I was thinking too. She made Niagara into a French word. It looks like she's in a college dorm room too. Surely she's heard of Niagara Falls at least! I've noticed that there are alot of intelligent dumb people in this world. 😩😩
  100. Jane Evbenaye: 200k coming for you hezo
  101. Kelly A: Fame Edits maybe yes
  102. Jillian Richardson: On some real shit tho. I was assaulted by a black man but i know it ain't all black men like that so I still fuck w some brothas
  103. Alayjah Williams: Hezooo 💕💕
  104. Camrynn Arterberry: You can’t necessarily get a yeast infection from leggings but if your vagina can’t breath or if you wear bottoms that are really tight around your vagina area then that can cause yeast infections along with other things
  105. Issa_ Keila: This video is so funny but I still love ❤️the video 😂
  106. Adalia Rich: Wtf is the song oml.🤦🏻‍♀️
  107. Kenya Atwaters: H no
  108. 3xDaChocolate Tv: “Look like she riding the penis”😭😭💀
  109. K1 E1: *5:00**-**5:04** is a mood*
  110. Veena Martin: It's not "nyagara" sis it was Niagra blue
  111. Amanda Grace Byrom: I got you baby
  112. meme review: "nya-gara-blue" LMFAOOO
  113. Cristian Addar: Aye hezo u thirsty as hell
  114. Yagirl_ Lana: No you can’t unless there wayyy to tight
  115. Clamp God Gawd Gang: We're the white big butty girls at
  116. xox_.dxnya b: 😍😍😍
  117. junior 549: LMAO
  118. TeniseNaChay: i here every vid 📌🤙🏾
  119. QUEENN D: Who else heard that rip when she pulled them up 😭😭😭 like if so 💀
  121. Esmie Delossantos: You a damn lie if you say she got a fat booty 😂 soon as she turned *FLAT*
  122. Aji kumba saidy: Hi Hezo
  123. CrackHeadBobby 2.0: "I straight up can't get these pants up you guys" .-. *stands there posing at the camera*
  124. The B.t. Family: I am at work but I am still watching this video because that ass is looking good though 😂😂😂😂 you lit bro
  125. Iosha Blyden: React to lessons by taylor girlz
  126. Elite-LiL fEtUz Fetuz: U seen like u jealous plus the fact she white must kill u
  127. 420 basterds: +Nicole Thomas 😂😭 "thicc problems" yea rite you just gotta hop in that shit they'll come right up
  128. Vanessa Ramdat: TMMR MY BIRTHDAY YALL ‼️‼️‼️😍🤪
  129. keeping up with Harmoney: Immediately clicked💜💜
  130. Gabby Williams: These faces he be making tho 😂❤️
  131. Faith Leann: Early😜
  132. Mosthated tay Dunbar: Fawk no
  133. Lillie Hacker: Oof you hit 200k
  134. Rileigh Ussery: rightttt herreeee😼🍑🍑white girl with a big booty😭🤪🤪
  135. Brooklyn Scott: You don’t need a YouTube channel
  136. Queen Camryn: what is the intro song called...LOVE YOU HEZO 😘😘
  137. Debbie Tillery: In Chester 😂🤣
  138. NAY J: Upload more!!!
  139. Jody-Anne Maxwell: Heyyyyy!!!!
  140. Katrins Humphrey: Can u do the 772 love dance challenge
  141. saved by.bangtan: React to *Tap Out Aliya Janell* ; *Lil bebe Aliya Janell* and *Money Jojo Gomez*
  142. Viniya Crisp: i’m early as a bitch . 😂
  143. Tanisha Fenderson: Can you react to Dreams World she is a really pretty girl and I think you would like her💕💓💞💖😍
  144. bby . arl: Yea u can if the leggings too tight and if it ain’t made outa cotton cuz that help the vagina breath. Luv from Jersey nigga ❤️😆💕❤️
  145. Zaynab Abiche: He’s black and white...Lmao thought he got some Arab in him😂😂😂😂 *sorry about my Eng😭
  146. Miya Robinson: "THIS IS A TRY ON HAUL GIRL~ T-THIS IS A TRY ON HAUL" 😂😂😂
  147. Bardi girl: +F-zero91maru LMAO it's a joke😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂
  148. Krister Kumar: His reaction though... Lol..(15:10)
  149. Lina Rayne: His reaction when she keep bending over. LMAO😂
  150. BLUE FACEE: she got that mona lisa non existent eyebrows and that forehead beamin 😂
  151. Jalaya Mack: Love his channel.❤❤
  152. THTATHO JIGS: Dying rn.... Big booty white girls in Wichita, KS....btw
  154. idk idc: 😂😂😂hezo you funny asf bro much ❤️
  155. Bardi girl: +F-zero91maru and plus who fucking asked
  156. Legacy Robinson: Hezooooo 🤩😍!!!
  157. Amy Campbell: Bro your funny 😂😂 I’m dead lmaoo
  158. WhatItDo YouTube: ...all the niggas at my school got white girlfriends☹️ they give no fcks😭
  159. Tiffani McNair: Do busybeecarys
  160. KIA FLORES YouTube: She could have put her spandex up
  161. T. Brown: Finally early😥😥😥
  162. k3nt’s_tv: bro wats ur intro song that joint crank
  163. Keara Williams: Daddy hezo fine add👅🔥💜
  164. Queen KeiKei: I literally died when he said it look like she riding a penis, how you ride that muhfucka? 😩😭😭😭😂😂💀💀
  165. mya Dosch: Hi
  166. _Amaiiya _121: HeZzzy
  167. lateesha Pacley: she got her booty done white girls aint that thick and no booty
  168. Taliyah Graham: WASSUP CUZ🤟🏽🤟🏽
  169. Tee x: 200K🎊🎊🎊 proud of you Hezo❤️
  170. Kamiyah Isaac: U can get a yeast infection because it's to tight and the mostruie woul be in one place and have no are
  171. destiny burnett: You can get a used infection from wearing leggings too tight but is also that your hygiene
  173. iCHARISMA: *_React to Munda legging try on haul‼️‼️_*
  174. Yomna Khairy: OMG! the leggings’ name is Niagara as in Niagara Falls, I don’t know what her process of pronunciation was but she did the name dirty 😂😂😂
  175. Nevaeh Pratt: Damn hezo is a whole damn mood😂💯 love him thoou ❤️
  176. brynna thomas: ❤️
  177. Motayuisha K: Lmaoo it’s the opposite where I’m livin rn...😂😂 white females sluts throwin it back for any black nigga they see😭😭😭
  178. llenajll: lool 6:36 "how you ride that motherfucker" 😭😭😭
  179. Jayda Francis: whats the intro song?
  180. Janesha Jackson: you should do a reaction to bestfriend by tokyo vanity
  181. Aki Pikachu: I'm pretty sure you can't get a yeast infection from leggings I never had one and that's my main clothes and hoodies
  182. Jamauri Franklin: 😂😂😂😂
  183. Nilaya Crawford: yes you can that white bitch got a big ass
  184. Rikeyah's Journey: latasha alexis it’s a city in my homestate Wisconsin I’m from there.
  185. Da'Mya C: First view and like😜 finnaly
  186. Raychel Hill: LILO Stich exactly
  187. drew browne: This girl did a recent bikini try out she got legs like chun li dam, here the link https://youtu.be/Ti3qGuHl4qw
  188. Willow Berseth: 🙋🏼‍♀️
  189. Kyndall Amari: "this is a try on haul" lmfaoooo he freaky freaky hell nahhh!!
  190. queen Kailyn: Bro I clicked this so fast 😂
  191. Amari Wright: Hezo now you know damn well that's not a black booty 😂😂
  192. BIG Head: Dania Munroe 😂😂😂😂😂 fr
  193. leila lewis: ur fine asss!!!!
  194. Baby Dimeee: dead ass...shit be pmtfooo when you take the pants off and your ass be looking fat asf then you put the pants on and your ass just lookin ight like wtf
  195. Derrickia Yaya: You can If your leggings are to tight💯 it’s kinda like skinny jeans . Like I love skinny jeans but sometimes my mom always told me I need to wear loose jeans bc it can make you get a yeast infection. I Nvr had one
  196. Mewdow Fann: I love your channel #hezo melo squad❤💨
  197. Tiny Santana: “ this a try on haul girl, this is a try on haul “ 😂
  198. Sheila Marie Vlog: I still ugh beat the pu**y lol big butttyyy up in the building 🤣😘😏
  199. simone Mitchell: Hezooo ❤️✅ My Baby 💍
  200. YGN Reese: ima let u know since I lived there all my life. all the big booty girls are in Wauwatosa my nigga. WAUWATOSA
  201. BabiiGirlLiya: Love youuu hezooo💕💯😝
  202. jj the Goat 12: why did he have a rag in his hand
  203. Dejanee Perez: He jumped off that chair bro😂😂
  204. Taylor LaTonya Smith: i did too!
  205. Rin- Ta-Tee: Hezo you say my nigga so much😂😂😂But it okay I still love you
  206. Queen KeiKei: Hezo is ah fool I love him to death lol 😂👏🏽👏🏽💯
  207. Ashira Oakland: You amazing bro Love ya
  208. KIA FLORES YouTube: I'm Mexican with a big booty
  210. xxxTentacionis mybabyxxx: Luv ya hezooo💛💛💛💓
  211. Scarrcarter: I think she means Niagra blue like Niagara falls
  212. lillian green: Hubby ☝🏼😍🤣
  213. Nicole Nicholson: Rite here yah feel me 💯👅💦
  214. Tiffany Deoliveira: 17:23 💀💀 hezo got me dead " yall be telling ya dad that the black nigga raped yall and shit" real shiitt
  215. Savannah J: Destiny Sky lmao I’m so Fr
  216. Mango Jay: *mhm let's get it*
  217. Itsleowest S: 👍🏾
  218. unique nylah: I bop to the intro song all the time 😂😂🔥🔥❗
  219. Elite-LiL fEtUz Fetuz: F-zero91maru I’m calling the police
  220. Simply Kc: Luh me sum Hezo💕
  221. Kelisee Hall: No you can not get a yeast infection from wearing leggings in my opinion
  222. Baby_lexi_ Lol: He look so overwhelmed
  223. Lisha Salvatore: Hezo you the best🌺
  224. Angelique Harding: *in a hillbilly ascent* she look lile she riding the penis
  225. Fame Edits: If it is to tight in the vagina area then yes you can get a yeast infection. Love your videos btw!!!!
  226. Bre Wilson: Soon as the video popped up!! I clicked this hoe fast asf!❣ Love you Hezo😍 MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE TO HIS CHANNEL AND DHOW SO LOVE MY NIGGA💪🔥
  227. Ruude Ne: Hezo to 200k ❤
  228. Riya Reacts: These try on haul girlssss need to goooo tryna show they ass off 😂💀
  229. Mylasia Diamond: His facial expressions be lookin like he just drank sum NASTY😣 😂😣😂
  230. Jamarkis Watermab: Heyy hezo 😜
  231. Shaymonik Preddy: Notification gang🤪🤪🤪🤪💛💛💛💛💛💛☺️☺️
  232. kate eee: Ik this bihhhh is lyinn😂she knows she gotta got those leggings on off the camera..some girls be doing too much🙄😂
  233. O Noez: Dang nigga , I swear you that person that finds a try on haul you like and react to that shit😭💀
  234. Baby_lexi_ Lol: 😂
  235. Its just niya: Hey hezz wussup ❤️🔥
  236. Timiah Jackson: hezo real into it though issa phat mood 😭
  237. nanii: holycow 🤣🤣
  238. Ajinay Sloan: First
  240. Melany Rivera: It is not no black booty black bootys are nice that booty is not nice 😩💀
  241. Destinee Ellis: ii clicked soo fast bruhh😂💀‼️
  242. Nyaijah Davis: 16:00 the way he was sitting had me rolling‼️‼️😂😂
  243. Kori Moore: “This a try on haaûl girl, this is a try on haaaaaul , my bad but ain’t this a try on haul tho. She over there riding penis ” omg 😭💀💀💀💀
  244. Kelly A: Savannah J nopu can then how u where skinny jeans
  245. Annakay Bailey: aye bro yo video have me dead laughing asl
  246. Chanice Harris: was she trying to pronounce Niagara?
  247. Erika Adams: *What is yo bum*😂😂😂
  248. T Calhoun: Yes you can you can get them from skinny jeans too
  249. Kennedy Sorrell: no
  250. Mercedes Jordan: They all the same leggings just a different color , they all gone fit the same 🤦🏾‍♀️😂
  251. Elizabeth. Garza: Chicken thighs Edit- Get a latina bitch ooofyshh we better 😛
  252. Poof Puff: I’m pretty sure she meant mispronounced niagara.
  253. Skye Fowler: better add my snap, x_skyeee and look at my insta skyefowlerx
  254. Raychel Hill: Yes you can get an yeast infection
  255. Kelly A: F-zero91maru bitch are u for real then can u fuck a vagina with yeast infection
  256. baya fans: Can u do a Q and A
  257. Jaysen Williams: She got a long far butty
  258. Rashad D: What the hell is that
  259. toats magoats: Dude is a straight up creepy ass mother fucker making videos of himself watching legging try on videos like wtf, looks like he nutted himself a couple times 😔😔😔
  260. Catherine Deloach: She bad
  262. daedae: LMFAO you so fucking Funny
  263. ADAYSHIA: She probably not originally from the US. Alot of other countries say "bum" which is kindof the British-English language
  264. ZiZi Slays: 🤟🏽🤟🏽
  265. Rena True: Ok Hezoo😂🙌🏽💀♥️
  266. Talayah Cunningham: Dude got up out seat
  267. Tanesbella Lovely: no no no
  268. Tater Tot: Niagara=NIGGA *XDDDDDDDDDDD*
  269. Briyahna Brown: I will say no
  270. 0rdinary.m: 🤪🤩😍😍!¡
  271. hollow man24: i was just about to watch the whole thing but u blessed me
  272. Queen IC Gangg: Okurrrrr 😆
  273. Paradise Billingsley: whassshakin hezo it been a minute my nigga since i been on yo channel whats new herrree🤟🤘🤘🤦‍♂️ and ong it hot ashi but back to the video and im happy for u u hit 200k son 🤘🤟🤣🤣🎉🎉🙌keep it pushin on me
  274. boss girls: Hezo gang💥💥💨💨🔥🔥🔥💯
  275. Kennedy Sorrell: this shii was funny
  276. ADOREEE CICIII: Hezoooo❤️🔥
  277. THE SAVAGE SISTERS queens: Come to beloit Wisconsin there is a lot or big booty hoes here
  278. Laura Hanti: Hezoo ilysmm😍👅cnt wait till the merch💯💯👅👅👅😍😍😍
  279. Baddies Squad: Omg i love you so muchhhhh😁🤪🦄💓
  280. Ashley Beston: #ROADTO200K‼️
  281. Chloe Huff: Yea you can get a yeast affection cause her leggings be mad tight 😂😂
  282. Ashlyy Quin: I’m not finna do my hw cuz u making me die😂😂btw I love u 💕
  283. issa.princess aka duh goat: I just bout murch
  284. Curlyheaded Gang: Nooooooooo tf
  285. Vicious_ Beauty: Rite here hezo baby i gotta phat white ass💯
  286. Zaria J: My notifications aren’t working wth
  287. Frazilla Frazer: Niagara blue😑😑😑😑wtf just think for a second and see wat that sound like!!?!
  288. Jae K: 👀
  289. Nyaijah Davis: Ahhhhh first one niggaaaa‼️‼️‼️‼️
  290. Alex Goodman: Hezo is a mood @ 12:48 the way he said “idiot” 😂😭
  291. Nikki B: React to Aaliyah Jays newest try on haul
  292. oneandonly favemimi: What's the song on his intros
  293. richard flores: Ig : karyssa.a
  294. Itsss._Marcia: “BITCH IM DUMPIN BUMPIN” 🔥🤞🏽
  295. HEAVENLEE: 💀 i can't take you serious #HEZYMEZY
  296. Makenna BxTch: 🤪😍white girl wid a fat ass right here😁. N I asked my dark bsf if he would fuck a white girl n he said “hell yea they got better ass”😂
  297. Vanessa Faith: White with a big booty😁😁
  298. Sommer Green: Suggestion: Aliya Janell sicko mode
  299. kaileigh bainter: It depends on how tight the leggings are
  300. Kennedy Sorrell: Biggs blue
  301. I am mårçiå: Clicked on this video sooo fast 💗💗
  302. Johnese Dozier: bro ya reactions is everything lol be safe down there and stay positive !!
  303. Omg Kiki: Hey daddio I love u soo much like u don’t know it yet but ur my future baby daddy Nd I can’t wait to get ya meerch
  304. F-zero91maru: if you see my message yo keep it real. these women are show offs it's not really hauls their stupid enough they show their bodies. i showed my cousin these videos like this & he said these ladies are hoes looking for some dick 😂
  305. Majbrith Sørensen: White big booty girl, right here... 🤭❤️😉
  307. yanna: HEZOOOOOOO GANG
  308. SIMPLY D’J: He had me dead when he kept shaking his head when she was reading the names 😂😭😭
  309. Lajoi Young: I'm your 200k
  310. Noor Ellington: heyyyyyyy
  311. Tawannda Blair: I love you hezo😂😂😂😂😂😊😊😊😅😅😅😅😅
  312. Kaneking two: She think she slick 🤣
  313. Rikeyah's Journey: Love you hezo ❤️ u next from Milwaukee to come up 😆
  314. doddie cutie: New name for the pants could be Malibu blue
  315. Angelica Ulibarri: Nahh get you a me 🤪
  316. Kaitlyn Nyderek: What?????? Down here white girls be staying with black guys all the time over here... waaa
  317. Joseph Mathias, Jr.: Thanks
  318. latasha alexis: Rikeyah's Journey oh ok
  319. Dashia Gooch: Not all girl's do stuff like that idk if all white people do stuff like that or not but ik I'm not gone do no shit like that in I have got rap before in if u don't know girl's do bleed when that happens in it don't feel good to be rap in I don't like when people do shit like that cause u can get some one locked up for no reason
  320. Taneil Cole: LILO Stich what's the name.of the into song? Can't find it anywhere
  321. Mari Perez: Literally just watched her video and was thinkin " Hezo needa react to this " Lmao damn .
  322. Haniyyah: Yomna Khairy I’m so weeeaaaakkkk🤣🤣🤣
  323. janae bress: HEZOOOOOO
  324. MiyaJenae TV: What is the song for the intro called?!?!? Love ya Hezooooo!!!🤪💘
  325. Lil_bribri01: Hezo I don’t say bum that’s low key weird I say ass but I get what your saying 😂
  326. Kennedy Hooper: Yeah
  327. Baby Licious: Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  328. Azzurah’s Playroom: Much love and support 😍😚
  329. Zanaria Banks: If they aren't breathable leggings you can
  330. Makeup_ Couture: Here 🙋🏼‍♀️us white girls got it going on low key
  331. Shanon Wallace: Yo ass fine asf😍😍u daddy material om😘😘
  332. Jazmine Catoute: Hezo our birthday month next month
  333. Maritza Palacios: What song is this
  334. Emily Chile: Into song ?????
  335. Saniya Jacquo: Luv u Daddy Hezo 😍 @HezoMeloGang
  336. Jaylen Senter: i found 6ix9ines daughter
  337. lelecooj: Dat introooo😁‼️🙏🏽
  338. Daemon jjj: Like Your Video's 🎥 👑😃
  339. Kira Squad: Intro song?
  340. Mix Baby: Bruhh we she took off your pants Hezo Killed me
  342. Itz_.jay_: Aye
  344. Brie plays: First shout out?
  345. tati 25: Who else heard I’ll still eat?? 😭😭😭
  346. Chloe Laager: Just cause we got booty doesn’t mean we’re gonna fall into your lap
  347. Myaa Myaa: Wassgood boaaa🤣❤️!
  348. Kuaph: Whats the intro
  349. Cassidy Mckou: His reaction when her booty was out had me dead😆🤣
  350. Michaela Long: If you think black guys scared to mess wit a white girl you ain't been to Andrews, SC
  351. Sir Cartier: Gram?
  352. Solo Ria: Hezo my boy she got a lil sumn but thats not a black booty 🤣
  353. jami hatfield: I don't know where u live but I'm white and there is hell of black guys by me that are with white girls or has had sex with a white girl. And yes there is plenty of white girls with a big booty including myself 🤣🤣
  354. Ashara Anthony: She doesn't have a black booty I can show u a black booty lmfao😂😂
  355. baya fans: Hi
  356. Black Kitty: So this is what boys do in their rooms all day..
  357. Kaitlyn Nyderek: I take that backk😂😂😂😂😂
  358. Whitney Delmore: Ilysm hezo💜💛💚💙 fav youtuber
  359. Boss Netta: 14:09
  360. Bougi Dae: Looong fat booty 🤣🤣
  361. Shania Duke: Fire video 🔥🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤❤
  362. Kennedy Sorrell: nigga blue
  363. Layne Nichol: I was browsing out outfit ideas and saw this. Cant belive someone would do that for views what if her parents saw that?
  364. IAMMARZ PLAYZ: We all should know, that Hezo likes to go raw😂🤤😋, my kinda dude😂🙂
  365. Chelsea Vibert: “I SwEaR I CaNt GeT ThEsE OnEs On YoU GuYs”☠️ dis girl needa chill😂
  366. Stay Humble Mixtapes: What’s you intro song
  367. Gale Love: Hezo you cool and funny
  368. Anihja Sims: ilysm and u always make me laugh and your the light in my day besides the sun💪💪👌👌❤❤😘😘💯💯🔥🔥
  369. C A SQUAD: First
  370. Divine Babez: Notification squad 🤪❤️
  371. Evanka Ellick: There are children watch your videos
  372. Raerae Scott: It’s be yo face 😭😭😭 I’m buggin
  373. Tia Shakur: i just made a Instagram so i can follow you ❤ & i will get someee merch
  374. Iyanna Nelson-Alfred: Intro song?
  375. GWRangel co: Early ganggg!
  376. Bri R.: Clicked fast because just love hezo like if u been here since hezo melo tv
  377. Adventures With Timaya and Nevaeh: Hezzyyy I missed you
  378. Azore Durant: My favorite part was 15:04
  379. IssYoGrlAlexis: 14:10 - 15:17 lhh rn 😭💀 She didn't have to do all dat now. 😭 She really think she slick..thirst trapping ahh 💀
  380. Pretty Dope Kitty: Hezo ......just a lil freak aren't cha ( she look like she about to ride the Penis ! x)
  381. Kam’s World: Yes you can definitely get a yeast infection from leggings and tights if they are too tight
  382. Aaliyah Mayhone: Ayeee 6th like
  383. LILO Stich: Who else knows the intro song word by word😝😝
  384. Lexia Harper: He jumping up and down I woulda been as good as gone 😭😂😂😂
  385. nonya business: 16:02 AGAIN?! shes doin it on purpose theres no way she couldve seen it on the camera
  386. Betty Hil: First !!!🤩🤩💕💕💕
  387. Ilana Marshall: Yo wha is the intro songgg😫
  388. Shadylane Gang: 😂😂😂
  389. Leo Cruz: I'm just here to see that fat ass🍑
  390. Kiana Davis: Wearing tight clothes can give you cancer and almost likely a yeast infection 😂because the coochie need to breathe
  391. Hannah Gray: oh hey😍 you cute
  392. Aliyah Victoria: LMAOO this was funny white girls don’t got an ass 😭😂💯
  393. Jeri Coleman: He jumped out his seat I’m dead
  394. Christina Squad: I know yo whole intro I sing all the time on some G shit
  395. Arion Franklin: Been waitinggggg
  396. AMAIYA SANDERS: Dum Dum I'm in the 7th grade and boys say that fucked someone
  397. Nevaeh Hauser: Can u do more story Times
  398. its willie: Yo hezo, can i see ya playlist? The songs u listen are bomb
  399. Arriyel Daniels: Hey baeee😍
  400. bella_wolf queen chan: I can see her underwear
  401. Jadawayda: 8:26 I think she meant Niagara blue😭idk
  402. Arina Pirtle: That white girl is ugly
  403. KhAMariii _KP: what is the name of his intro song??
  404. Zoey Young: Me I am waiting for u
  405. Kayla Williams: White girl with a booty right here 🙋🏻‍♀️😂 follow me on iG kayla_bihhh 😂
  406. Jxnylxh ,: *200k almost here🔥😭 y’all need to hurry up*
  407. Nicole Nicholson: No 😂😂😂
  408. Broken Heart: What is the name of the intro song🤔🤔🤔
  409. Saron Yonas: Yes!!! I’m here!!
  410. 420 basterds: 😭😂
  411. Kelly A: yaniese okey . Is urs bigger ? Just asking because u said has is little
  412. Shacareon Smith: The white girls are in McComb ms, south side boy
  413. Keyunna Claiborne: Imma be like wtf are those
  414. Dekayla Pollard: Somebody send this girl this video 💀
  415. Yuli Martinez: Heyy I know this is off topic but I’ve wanted to know how are you feeling how’s the recovery so far taking any therapy?
  416. XXPanda XX: Who’s here before 10,000 views
  417. Natural Beauty: Congrats on hitting 200k Hezy Mezy!!! U deserve it. 😁❤
  418. Damion Giddings: That nigga said that she got a long fat booty
  419. BBQ Chicken: Notification Squad wya?👀
  420. Shaniya Ragland: She made him jump out his seat lol😂😂😂😂😂
  421. Ny26: I missed youuu😍🤣
  422. unique nylah: +Baby Cakes no hook dumpin
  423. Becoming Yasii: LMAOAOAOOAOAO “ima have to go get me a white girl” I MEAN IM PUERTO RICAN AND I GOTTA BUTT... WOULD THAT WORK?
  424. Baby Cakes: unique nylah what’s the name of this song ? Please ❤️
  425. dahli525: I think she was trying to say Niagara as in niagara falls😂🤣
  426. Airel Eiland: 17:33 been was thinking that hezo 😂😂😂 lmao on sum real shit tho
  427. Sheree Beson: You fine asf ❤️😘😋
  428. Sarah Gracchi: Her ass is flat tho she’s just putting it at angles to make it look bigger 🤦🏽‍♀️ cuz when she turns to the side that shit flat asf and she saying “ the ladies wit the bigger butts “ GIRL U GOT NOTHIN WHATCHU MEAN LMFAOOOOO she just trying to show off her lil ass booty
  429. Adrionna Raymond: 414💪🏿😈🥜
  430. The Real Unique: She do not have a fat ass😂
  431. KING GHOST: Lmao 😂 at 9:19 I like how she said she was going to give a 360 but instead she just started showing her ass instead
  432. Jamiyah Garfield: “Can u get a yeast infection from wearing leggings “ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭YALL I CANT BREATHEE ‼️‼️‼️
  433. Nadia Gaillard: once you turn black you cant go back lol... Like if yall scrolling threw the comments to see what happenin
  434. Harmony Watts: Yeah only if they tight
  435. Adari Johnson: You so ghetto 😭😭❤ ilyy
  436. jaylaaa: Danggg he grew fast I’ve been here since he had 26k subs
  437. Sab Foster: "She gotta long, fat booty" 😭😭😭
  438. Kimberly Willis: How made that song because it lit
  439. shauna thomas: omg i love hezo sooo muchh, every video worth it, always make ma day better, nfs
  440. Laura Hanti: Shit i'm right here 👅👅🍑🍑
  441. Jaylan's Life: “ like holy cow and shit “ 😂😂😂
  442. 3xDaChocolate Tv: I never stocked someone but keeping my eye out fah dat 2k cuz I want my merch
  443. donna garrett: Hezzyyyyyyy💚‼️
  444. it's ya gurl kay: Hezzy mezzy squad Wya tho 😍🙌🗣️💸🤞❣️💛
  445. Isis Nuñez: He said “dis bitch talkin too much” 😂😂😂
  446. Jennifer Ruby: Whats the name of the intro song ?!?!?
  447. La Angel Johnson: She mispronounced didn't she? I thought she was trying to say Niagara blue, like Niagara Falls. and that's DEFINITELY A WHITE GIRL BOOTY.
  448. Rico tohot: 14:10 Is what y'all been waiting for
  449. Jay Fizzle: I’m backkkkkkk
  450. Chris Wallace: the intro song litt
  451. Nella Boo: when he said he gatto go get him a white girl i was dead😅😂😁😂😃
  452. Ason Jaee* Fyfield: Yes u can get a yeast infection from wearing leggings if they are not cotton or breathable... It all depends on how long u keep them on... The pussy needs air... Most leggings don't allow it to breath
  453. 3xDaChocolate Tv: 6th person to like🤪
  454. najee thomas: No
  455. Sofia Sy: She ain't even thick😂
  456. K&A Gang: Hey
  457. Jada Leverett: i would say hell no
  458. Jillian Richardson: Omm white bitches low-key freakkkss
  459. cece vu family idk: She know good so well she wanna show her azz that ain't even a squat like wtf and he said she gotta long fat booty like 😑😐
  460. Sue-ellen Lourens: He so extra😂😂😂😂😂❤
  461. Ayla Ma-Nais: Hezo face when she said that she going to do a squat test
  462. Akayla: look at Dominique a try on haul
  463. love Squad tv: What the song called of you intro??
  464. Kamiyea Thomas: Clicked On This Vid Do Fast 💯💯
  465. Amari Wright: That bitch stupid talking about some niyagara it's Niagra 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  466. sophie noor: I love you
  467. Princess Imari: Love Yhu Hezo ❤
  468. 3xDaChocolate Tv: Clicked on dis to quick yesss hezooo💛💛
  469. Bratz.Daawl Tv: ❗️❗️
  470. Destiny Ekpoudom: You need to stop disrespecting a woman’s body 🤬🤬
  471. _.itsjust yahgirljayy: yea you can get a yeast infection from wearing tight leggings 💯.....but ilysm cause you funny asf talking about her butt omfg 😭😭😭😭♥️
  472. LAVICHA WILSON: sis really wanted some one to look at her butt
  473. sjay rocks: Two videos in a day God is good😍😍😍💜💜💜
  474. cløudxedits 。: NOTIFICATIONSS ONNN BABBBYYY💗😍🤪
  475. Dania Munroe: That girl know she ain't gotta check if they squat proof cz u can squat in everything... She just trynna show her ass to the audience😂😂😂😂😂😂
  476. Nyaijah Davis: You the biddd hezo 414 ‼️‼️🤘🏾🤘🏾
  477. Nasiyah Genevae: “And she got the thong on she a freak”😂😂😂
  478. Raegan Ward: React to one challenge how big is your
  479. Goddesslexii: some leggings are made so they can curve your body out when you put them on .. like it looks like you have a better shape..
  480. Yours Truly Ty: Go react to MsAaliyahJay PrettyLittleThing try-on Haul. I wanna see your reaction😂😂
  481. Taylor LaTonya Smith: Love your videos and always support with some positive and good vibes
  482. Lulu Carter: Hezo I'm a big white girl with a big ass and
  483. lsp. kelsey: Hezy mezy gang
  484. Javaughn L: Nigga said "she got a long fat booty" nah im weak lmaoo
  485. Melany Rivera: He said “what’s the next one I’m tired of seeing dis”😭😭🤣🤣🤣
  486. Queen Nini: You know you love them try on hauls 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💖💖💖💖💖😘😘😘
  487. Chloe Chambers: I’m a real fan
  488. xxxBADDIExxxc MSP: hes so mf thirsty.
  489. meme review: bro no funny, she just tryna show off her lil booty
  490. Scarlett King: U cute asf❤❤
  491. Percy Reed: Snow bunny white girls say hot more ok bro
  492. Savannah J: Jaesiah Shanye Fr 😭
  493. Karrin Shriner: Another white girl with some ASS is Tammy Hembrow. Check her out!
  494. Puppys Puppys: He be talkin bout the girl from the pose challenge..but yet he gives the exact same ugly face😂😂😂 15:04 but you're still cute lol
  495. Cassie Young: Yes you can get a yeast infection from leggings but it depends on the fabric of the leggings and you also can from wearing pants that are to tight
  496. bhaby hawaii: 6:07 jumped like as if he saw a cockroach 😂
  497. Destiny Moore: awww shordy just wanted to show off her lil backside how cute.
  498. Kori Moore: What does a “long fat booty” even mean 💀💀💀💀
  499. 420 basterds: +Deneba Mbouissou it was
  500. Beauty-By-Renee: she even got a camel toe😂😂
  501. Black Fox Beauty: The sampling of diff Backgrounds🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂
  502. Sadira 28: When he said this is a try on haul i was dead😂😂😂😂
  503. tevia hamer: how Yu ride dat mf lmfaoooooo
  504. Prettyrayy 2x: she got a lil bootie too🤣
  505. Ebony Green: Lemme ride that dickkk💦💦💪💪
  506. Sutanie Samantha: Hiiiiiii
  507. Jazlyn Hansen: Im white with that big butt 😂im dead
  508. sabria gilliard: Song for intro.?
  509. Denesha Cohen: Me
  510. Michelle Bagby: If they are tight you can
  511. Teyonna Harris: I love you hezo❤️❤️❤️❤️
  512. Mango Jay: Ha he tryna sneak that *"I need some puzzy"* in the vid!
  513. J. SQUADD: What’s the intro song?
  514. Blu Perez: Riding a penis😂😂😂😂
  515. Warqueena Simmons: You play to much hezo 🤣🤣😂😂😅😂😂😂😂
  516. Tyuanna Brown: No🖕🏾
  517. niya's world: Ok sis look at your face 😂😂
  518. Willa Davis: Anybody else see that camel toe, like damn.
  519. QueenCathy Put A Ring On It: You should know her booty fake bc she a white bitch
  520. Makayla Williams: Ayyeee i literally subscribed when he had less then 800 and i was ima sub cause i feel like he gonna make it
  521. Jniya Williams: Them leggings sound dumb
  522. Jessica Lynn Howard: Fukkk outta here i gotta booty👌
  523. Kori Moore: “She got a nice little white booty..... Mhmm that’s a black booty actually yeah she a white girl with a nice little black booty” BYEEE 😭😭😭😭
  524. Yeah.its_mj 1: First❤️❤️
  525. issahaybae litt: Go react to nastassiaponomerko
  526. Stephanie of God: I love hezooooo
  527. Gaibriell McMaryion: Earlyy
  528. Azzurah’s Playroom: Ima crop that merchandise 🤩🤩
  529. Cassandra Desilva: Yooo I've been seeing you on my page and danm your facial expressions always get me so heres a like and follow and ofc i turned on my notifications
  530. Queen Baleigh: FIRST VIEWER
  531. Sehara Thomas: She either ain't edit it right or she just trying to show off her booty
  532. Nichelle Smith: Im shitty he hyped her head up saying she got a black booty🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
  533. Ariana Clark: Yes u can get a yeast infection from them being too tight and her ass only look big because her leggings were right under her ass checks so it made her ass fatter than it was
  534. Ima Gambin0: 5:26🤣🤣his face be serious
  535. F-zero91maru: i seen a lot of crazy shit and i been investigating on the videos lot of girls women showing off lot of pawgs and cameltoe look at this girl nastassia ponomarenko. she has a huge pawg ass
  536. Zamora Maxwell: "I ain't gone lie this bih talkin to much"
  537. itslani. yadig: Nah she wanted sum one to react to this
  538. Jaida Isabell: ❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞💓💘
  539. CD Gang: I’m probably going to get in trouble but I can ask them what do they Proofer what the word is
  540. Anna Winters: Hold up wayment! Forget that the name of the second pants was long as hell. Can we talk about the pronunciation? She said, Ny-ah-gar-ah Blue. Pretty sure it was spelled Niagara... ya know like Niagara Falls... pronounced Ny- agg- grah (when you say agg think of aggy). Swear she had me rolling 😂😂😂
  541. Telomerase Collector: Bum is from the UK Hezo
  542. Robert Gibson: Aye bro u always lookin fresh but i think its time for that fro to go get some box braids or something
  543. Pononanea Edwards: Thank you! I was trying to figure out the name 😭
  544. dxddy ashianna: He was hard 😂
  545. Trap Community: It was Niagra blue
  546. J’ane Cobb: You need to make a STORY TIME🙄💛💛🧡 hurry up
  547. Cactus: Bum is butt but more for British people
  548. Jacqueline Anderson: Depending on how tight and often you wear them
  549. monique nelson: My instagram is moniquenelson326
  550. Amalia Galvan: Ayeee‼️ Keep doing you hezoo❤️
  551. Akhona Zandile: Hezo u cute
  552. my world: 200k yaaassssssss
  553. Sophiaalla: lmaoo has me dead, “why they say holy cow n shit”
  554. J A I L A H: Bitch I'm dumping dumping It's a like 10 K, Yeah bust it open, If she hop in here I bet I slap her to the early morning, Dumping dumping Caught her on the gram now she want my number, Switched on her, I don't want relations, I just wanna fuck her What the song cuz I love it...💀
  555. Tussaint Fawrow: Stop Doing My Homework Just To Look At This 🤘🏿‼️
  556. Maya Wilkerson: THIS IS A TRY ON HALL GIRL IS A TRY ON GIRL 🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂
  557. Kaitlyn Nyderek: White big booty girls winning. Str8 uppp😂😭
  558. They Love Daii: You can get a yeast infection from wearing anything if it's to tight. If yo shit squeezing you hell yeah you gon get 1 if you keep wearing them over and over again
  559. sunshine lee: Tell me why she had to pull up her pants on camera
  560. aleea alyssa: I’m a huge fan yooo💘🤣
  561. dage daniel: Bum is for Like caribbean ppl
  562. Angel-Marie Wallace: Aye,, I'm white n I gotta booty😂🤷🏼🤷🏼
  563. Kennedy A!: She's fr ugly she need to sit her ugly self down she really doin to much like u could of did this in the mirror before like boo!
  564. Bardi girl: +F-zero91maru lmao next gonna think that periods are hot 😂😂
  565. Slm. Kiara: I have the same pants on rn 😩😩😩😩
  566. Jalina Evans: "holy cow"💀💀
  567. Maria Weese: Yes is sing it every time
  568. Jenesis Carlisle: Right
  569. Janise Louis: She could get those things on she not slick
  570. Millibaby 23: First, I love you and your channel. You put a smile on my face ❤️😩depending on how tight and thick the leggings are, but if they’re thin, it shouldn’t be a problem
  571. i'kera girl: i subscribed........LOVE YOU
  572. Breasia Lewis: And im 8 year-old
  573. Da'Mya C: Woooow
  574. Krister Kumar: His reaction though... Lol..(15:10)
  575. Soso Notchurbusiness: Is she saying..Niagara(falls) blue?
  576. Tamara Thomas: Yes. Yeast is a fungus so basic biology... fungus grows in dark warm moist places. It's just has diff name depending where. Baby's it's called diaper rash. Feet is athletes foot. Male groin is jock itch. All same thing.
  577. Tiahna Jude: I’m from England I’m black and we say bum lool
  578. D’Asia Lindsey: About to hit 200k 🤪
  579. Mary Wilson: Thong means she a freak or she don’t want any panty lines
  580. Zamora Maxwell: white girl with ah black booty
  581. KiayaTopNotchStatus: Do you keywon
  582. R&K T.V: It’s fine ass hezo❤️👀
  583. Ya gurl Tay: Mann he having way too much fun wit this😒
  584. Kumari Turner: Early❤
  585. Vae&Wan 757: No
  587. jordan shane: Yes you can get a yeast infection due to tight clothing.
  588. Jaden Brownlee: He said ill still beat the pussy😂
  589. Tsumia71: Plus 12:10
  590. Caylah Stewart: I’m dead hezo u funny as life🤣
  591. Theonenae: Was she trying to say Niagara like Niagara Falls 😂😂
  592. Heyitz_Jada: BRUH I CLICKED THIS SOOO FAST😂🔥🤟🏾💨First comment😁
  593. Rashad D: Bru
  594. sha sha sha sha: I'm ready for that merch💯I'm about to show the motherfucker off
  595. Ashlyy Quin: 😂😂
  596. Elite-LiL fEtUz Fetuz: Jada Murphy no the first Pants had a lot of space
  597. Robert Gibson: Thaaaaaaank you mu man
  598. natajha dean: Mannn yo videos make my day Keep it up👍
  599. Gracey-May Haggas: she flat bro.... :/
  600. pipperann02: my name is piper and my booty SCRUMPTIOUS 😂💀
  601. Shey Coats: i love you hezo!!!
  602. Jaida Isabell: Hezo fine tbh and I love watching his videos
  603. lisa williams: Yaaassss I watched ur previous vids and u funny and lit at the same time. 🤣🤣😂😂😂
  604. Taria Knowles: Notification gangg💓
  605. Tmill256: Why he look like that when she turned around 😂😂😂
  606. Drippy promise: Y'all be making up shii like holy cow I was dyeing 👏🏽👏🏽😂
  607. Sevella Cabell: His t tattoos go hard low-key 😂🔥🔥
  608. RENI: I’m dead when she had the leggings off it caught him off guard!!! His face omfg😂💀😭
  609. essence gonsalves: " she got a looong fat boooty
  610. Andrew Wells: Long fat booty
  611. Jocelyn Starks: we in herreeeeee earrrlllyyyyyyy
  612. BIG Head: QueenCathy Put A Ring On It 😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️ ongod
  613. Jaesiah Shanye: She got on thonges and my but bigger that her
  614. Dmv_ Rani: Who else peeped the camel toe🤦🏻‍♀️😂
  615. Bambie Camara: “If somebody Say is you tryna buy these.....wtf you gon say to that”😂😂😂😂chilllll Edit:” what is yo bum”
  616. laay vibez: lll say wtf is that
  617. francine nevils: Idek why u don't have 1 million views and subscribers. I always be ready for a video.
  619. Pooh TheSavage: Oh yea another good video ☺️
  620. Divine Babez: Can u please react to shiro’s story by rapman pt1 2 and 3
  621. Jamiyah Garfield: “ she got a LONG fat booty” 🤣🤣🤣🤣omggggg SOMBODY COME REVIVE ME ‼️‼️‼️
  622. Iamtelena Nicole: What’s good Hezo
  623. Caribbean gyal: Plzz react. Its a Caribbean whining video. https://youtu.be/EKjFzjRuTa4
  624. Angee Thomson: right here boo
  625. Chloe collison: Early gang!!!
  626. Kai Valencii: Can u do someone dark skin for once btw love ya vids❤️✨
  627. The Niya’s: She can’t read 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
  628. Gianna Crumpler: 16:25 imma have to get me a white girl
  629. Jassiah Allen: He way to much bro 😂😂 but I still love him 😂❤️❤️
  630. Camrynn Arterberry: Oooo you fine ❤️😋🤤
  631. Nallé McCreary: I clicked on the video so fast
  632. Amanda Rodriguez: Big snow bunny🐇😂😂😂😂😂
  633. Caroline_ Isabella: Bless u
  634. kala sweetness: The back gotta be bigger for bigger boodies ladies
  635. Sa'Nya Auguste: Ayyee wass good
  636. Stasia GOAT: 6:06 this a try on haul girl 🤣
  637. Aaliyah Veras: I wish a bush I wish a bish would say I raped her ass😂💀💀
  638. S M: Thank you!
  639. Princess jazzy: Intro song?
  640. kai_ cole: "i straight up cant get these on you guys " pulls them up with no struggle 😂😂😭😭😭
  641. Adrienne Hicks: Intro song?
  642. TEA AND SHADE: She kno wat she was doin when she was. squat in down😂
  644. Nanda Duarte: hezo gang🤩
  645. My thoughts tv: React to danielle bregoli new video she rapping
  646. riah.nv.: LMAOOOOOOOO
  647. Imani scott: can you do the new four walls challenge or the rock steady challenge
  648. Fam0us 2x squad: Hezooooo💍💕😘
  649. Abigail Kowalski: It’s ni-a-gara blue😂
  650. Na Na: A hoe is someone who gives it up to everybody, shes not doing that in the video is she? :). And maybe she just likes her butt
  651. Katie Grace Loukas: I clicked on this so fast cuz I’ve never seen a black guy watch a video of a white girl....I’m not trying to be racists if anyone takes this to offence I’ve got no hate for black ppl or white ppl but I’m just saying
  652. Artist Princess: Where's the hezo gang at💯🔥
  653. Laticia Brown: aya notification squad❤️💕
  654. Josephine_97: “How you ride that mf?!” LMFAO HEZO 😂💀💀
  655. Morii2Boujee Tm: What’s your intro song ?
  656. Jalene Johnson: "she got a long fat booty" i crieddd
  657. BLACK BARBIE HEHE: Omm yo face expression lmfao😪
  658. Julio Ferrera: Imma say give me my two necks fuck outta here
  659. Kaitlyn Nyderek: HEEEE JUMPPPEEEEDDDDDD UPPPPPP😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  660. Maria Weese: Yeah but her ass is not little lol😂😂
  661. Makiyah Little: Nigga keep acting he gonna fall through the window😂
  662. Kirstyn Vaughn: 6:05 I hate u for this🤣🤣
  663. Naysha Tazjai: “That big booty fat ...” LMFAOOOOO I’m CRINEEEE
  664. H I: I love youuuuu❤️
  665. Wyanette !: British people say bum instead of butt
  666. Anastasia Cashie: U sweet
  667. Mizz Twerk_Team: you so damn fine 💙 .
  668. Kaliyaah Dancey: Yasssss merch😍😍😍😊
  669. Lia Land: Ayeee we almost to 200k !!!!!😆❤️
  670. Keren: “She got a black booty” oh hezo hezo hezo you’ve never seen a true black booty 💀
  671. Derrick TheGamer: 🔥🔥🐐
  672. tay savage: Hezo baby😍wheres the Hezo panties?😂
  673. latasha alexis: Yes
  674. I'm Taken: 4:58 that face
  675. Baby_lexi_ Lol: She said “bum” 😂 some white people be making weird ass names you feel me 😂
  676. perfect Perfection: No u cannot get a yeast infection from tight clothes
  677. Marie Allen: Hezo ah freak freak🤣👅
  678. Adrianna Majoros: We do be making som weird ass words like bumfuck middle of no where 💀💀💀💀
  679. Xxclusive.Diamond: I guess imma freak🥰 cuz I wear things🤪❤️
  680. Alahna Collins: Yes you can get a yeast infection
  681. Blandian _Samara: Ima ask someone if they want to do uh uh with a white girl 😭😭
  682. Breasia Lewis: Boy im going to fuck you
  683. Moyate B: Just wide that’s all
  684. Queen Hailee: Me 💦😍
  685. La'Temperance Hall: 16:24 don't leave us damn
  686. CrackHeadBobby 2.0: Shes just asking for it
  687. Brazyy Mani: Imma have to go get me a white girl😂
  688. Starrdia Ramgeet: 💀💀💀”she gotta long fat booty”😂💀dead asf😂😂😂😂😂😂
  689. Brianna Robinson: Ouuu Hezzy mezzy😘😍STAY LIT AF!!!
  690. Audrey Hobson: baby😻
  691. Jayden Love: he said she a white girl with a black girl booty that shit was funny 😂😂😂 the way he said it bro 😂😂😂
  692. Tori Time: Lol her leggings r tight that's why she couldn't get them on and that made her booty looked bigger
  693. Marie Sallie: He funny as hell but he weird though
  694. Shea Harris: Love u hezo 😍😘
  695. Eden Queen: 8:36 You trying to cast a spell or what
  696. BALEIGH PEOPLES: I'm white wit dat big fat black girl ass tho
  697. Airyonna Avery: Bro you kept taking them long ass pauses I kept thinking my phone was froze
  698. caylia wesley: Hezoooooo 🖤!!! Like my comment pleaseee
  699. Anastashia Furlow: No 😊😀💕💗
  700. Aleah & Makyla: First hey hezo ily so much your my inspiration ❤️😁😂💍
  701. Patrice L Brown: you can't
  702. XÖXÖ MAYA!!: no you cannot get a yeast infections from leggings unless you got them pulled all the way up in your coochie that it’ll give you a camel toe!
  703. Michaela Long: Its a legging haul not something for her to show off her butt hezo chill 😂😂😂😂
  704. General Happiness: “ She got a long fat booty “ 💀 5:20
  705. Joseph Mathias, Jr.: It's my birthday this is a nice present hezo thanks bro
  706. Hippie Nd: 🤘🔥
  707. Eliha Daniella: your reactions make me happy😂😂
  708. Most hated kayy: how she don’t know how to say Niagara
  709. Francisca Valerio: all the white girls r n Dallas
  710. Kiara Forde Carvalho: Ur soo fineee
  711. De'Asia Grant: Notification gang...stay ready😂😋
  712. Starnisha Griffin: U should react to BusybeeCarys Try on haul
  713. latasha alexis: Rikeyah's Journey wtf is Milwaukee 💀
  714. kiayana m: “ I straight up can’t get these ones on you guys “ * pulls them right up* 😂😂😂
  715. Mylasia Diamond: "This is A TRY ON HAUL"😅😣😂🙉
  716. Saderris Turner: 1st💞😘
  717. Rachael Anderson: “Where the white big booty girls at” 😂🙋🏻‍♀️
  718. Jada Murphy: To me she ain’t really thick lmfao I think the tights are just too tight
  719. She’s Angel: These girls with these try on hauls be thinking they slick lmao girl if u tryna show a lil ass just say that and she know she could get them pants up stop it 💀😂
  720. BrookeBrazy: react to glamazontay bikini haul 😂 !
  721. Astou Kaba: I love u hezo u the best
  722. Mia Phillips: Y’all really be watching him be a pervert
  723. Dee Joyce: Nope....he said White! 😉
  724. Terrell Rhoden: subscribed cuz u silly af sub back nigga
  725. Yomna Khairy: Pononanea Edwards girl I got youuu
  726. pink princess: LILO Stich EOWWWWW ME 😭😭
  727. BIG Head: Everyvideo he always got me laughing 😂😂 I swear I love him he so fine 😍😍🤟🏽🔥
  728. Keirstin Poppin: She was trynna make sure they was squat proof 😂🤣🤣 that was not no squat
  729. Miangel Revels: Hi hi hi hi bih
  730. Nallé McCreary: I love you
  731. Adriana Francis: Hezo:they got pockets half way into the video He focus on the booty she said that at the beginning of the video
  732. Sania Pinnock: React to Brittany Denise
  733. Yania Bear: Hezo it’s been a minute since I heard a black guy say he like or mess wit a black girl. Black guys at my school don’t like black girls they only like white or mexican.
  734. lil FAM: my fav youtuber fr i watch all vides he funny an interestin to watch he needs a mil
  735. Sahai King: Y'all need to stop playing and he hezo up to 1mil we almost there all team hezo all day every day😅😘
  736. Jahmia K'yana: She doing too much 😂💀
  737. Shirley Frejustre: 200k almost there 💯💯
  738. imani: he said a long fat booty 😂
  739. Midnight - Playz: “She gotta long day booty” wtf hezo 😂
  740. MJ Sqaud: He said "She gotta long fat booty!" 💀💀💀😂😂😂 love u Hezo u too funny
  741. B&M Nation: Intro song ?
  742. Avakin Lela: Watch first fight by Baddie Denise
  743. Lole Wiki: She was squatting lmaoooooo u funny 😂😂😂😂😍
  744. I am mårçiå: Yessir 🐍
  745. Tyra Macias: 15:45 lmaooo his face 💀😂
  746. Juliana Clifton: I love you😭😍
  747. Taithe gamer: Is this the only type of videos he makes just to look at some ass bruh go watch some porn
  748. Savannah J: You can get a yeast infection from wearing pants or panties or leggings or basically anything too small Bc it blocks the air space
  749. Dee Joyce: Destiny J Nonfiction?
  750. Tsumia71: 😂
  751. Turtle Master: Early gang🤟🏽😛
  752. Johanna Saint: I love watching your videos 😩😍😍
  753. Destiny Shelton: Where that squat challenge at i wanna know now mothafucker😭😂
  754. Mango Jay: Right here hezo!!
  755. Haleigh Lewis: You need to do a reaction to one of her try on hauls Busybeecarys
  756. Teira Toliver: React to Brinn Nicole- Dirty Diana choreography (both videos)
  757. Dmv_ Rani: She a hoe PERIOD MF TREEEESSSSHHHH🙄worry bout your own ass bruh
  758. Syanna Baskerville: Hezo
  759. Makayla Carter: Bitch I’m dumpin dumpin 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤪
  760. Natalie R Ramirez: That chair look mad comfortable
  761. Cherish Edgar Newton: That biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich is nasty🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
  762. Alexa Bryant: First here 😝
  763. Drippy Backpack: My nigga Hezo! 1 like=Agree
  764. Stephanie Watson: Love you hezo 😍 you are The funny is reactor I gave ever seen
  765. Yasmine Riley HARLEY QUINN: Your drooling 🤤 lol
  766. Savannah J: 😭 you be killinnnn meeee 💀
  767. Max Sanchez: Notif gang where y’all at 🤪
  768. Lil_bribri01: That’s fucked up if white girls do that but for me I don’t do that my parents know I have no preference on what race I date so yea
  769. Lovette Griffin: your so fine💕💕
  771. Realspill Goddess: Lmao your bum 😭😭
  772. Merae Etchin: Team#hezo I love you 👋😍
  773. Tajahnee Harper: i love youu hezoooooooooooooo😩❤️😂
  774. Jazlyn Hansen: Insta bbg_jazlynn
  775. Zaniya Kelly: I love ur videos so much❤️🧡🧡❤️😍 I’m a huge supporter u make me smile everyday
  776. faith lewis: No u can’t get a infection unless there to tight I learned that in school 😂 and u funny
  777. Emily Bazile: React to Killuminati it’s litt🔥🔥
  778. kittens rule: Earrrrllly
  779. Gagavbshs Hahsbbs: Thotttt
  780. Jariah Bangmon: Ik im late but this was a mf banger #hezomelotv
  781. Amaya Hogan: Clicked on this fast asf😂😍
  782. Jazlyn Hampton: 1st
  783. Yessenia De La Torre: I don't trip but his smile❤❤😍🤤🤤🤤
  784. Mallory Davis: If them junts too tight then hell yea you can get a yeast infection😂
  785. Dalisha Smith: First
  786. Vae&Wan 757: Yes*
  787. Kadesha Miller: Lol he crazy 😜 ahh
  788. small aspirations: My birthday on the 23rd of this month ayeee
  789. Hashtag FAB: Pause the vid at 4:59 😂
  790. Jayla bomgirl: Brush y everyone satin they the first comment lol I'm weak
  791. Ja’Naya18🤤❤️: Hezo you just made my mood so better 🗣😂
  792. Percy Reed: Hezo get you a white girl they more loyal ok bro
  793. Jayla bomgirl: Everyone saying that
  794. Ashalee McKenzie: Clicked so fast the comments didn’t load🤣❤️
  795. Shaneal Findlaytor: What’s her YouTube channel
  796. Ugh World: Notifications Squad! For Hezo Melo ❤️ Love you U inspire ME!!
  797. Anniyah Armani: U a👑e so funny
  798. Christen Johnson: I'm saying
  800. Kiera Copeland: what is the song in his intro
  801. Aaliyah Veras: Nah
  802. Azaria Peoples: Hezo fine aab bro😍😍😍. But he funny too😭😭😭
  803. Julia Gavriel: I'm a white girl with a big booty 😉😊
  804. Amaree Young: You’re not first tho
  805. ZexionVI: why do i feel like the name was supposed to be Niagara blue like Niagara falls...
  806. iamjustjojo: Hezo freaky asf 😂😂he said show me how to ride it
  807. Shaianne Bell: "NIAGARA" (NY-AH-GRUH) LIKE NIAGARA FALLS MF 😂😂😂💯💯💯💯
  808. Blah Lewis: HELL NO
  809. Damion Giddings: No u can not


155,598 views views260,699 followers
6,747 Likes6,747 Dislikes
Entertainment Upload TimePublished on 4 Oct 2018

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