Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019


Best comment

  1. nikki benton: I love ya videos. Am a big fan. Support u alot great videos 👍
  2. The Honeys: 4 vids one day??? Damn how did we get to this point❤️❤️
  3. Tynasia Brown: What happened to u
  4. Up Like Eiffel: Mannn Hezo gave us 3 vids in one day😭❤❤ we love you
  5. Keimani Nelson: React to zunie summer playlist
  6. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  7. 414 Jordan: Otayyyyy going crazy wit the uploading I ain’t gone be bored today🤣❤️
  8. La’RayJa RoyTaylor: Thanks Hezo Melo 🗣🤞🏾You are recovering so well 💗🤪
  9. Monica Piper: it looks like you got beat to your death
  10. Kenzie B: LAVICHA WILSON fr fr 🤦🏾‍♀️
  11. Itz_.jay_: What happened to his face
  12. bfflmadbarbie: These kids need to STOP , please where are their parents. I'm just 20 and I did none of that hoe shit. When I turn 16 hell yeah I was messing it up at parties but damn at least I had a childhood. We got 9-year-olds showing themselves talking about drip drop. That whole video was trash.
  13. L&K Nation: Your eye
  14. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  15. BRIANNA's Nation: not tryna be rude but what happened to your face are you ok
  16. - Itzz. Rìaah: His pants is lower than my grades😭.
  17. ChimChim has SPRITE: His pants are lower than my self-esteem....
  18. sarah 4life: The girl that was dancing to stirfry is 13 in the 9th grade and she is les she can dance
  19. DxXxDy NARIAH: Did he get in a fight
  20. Amiya Frieri: I aint trying to be a bitch perooo what happened to his forehead. Not trying to start shit
  21. Itz Lil Baby: That 3rd girl u called her “ugly as shit” in ur lass video
  22. Italy Ja’Nae: Hey ♥️
  23. Chanta: Hezooooo 😍🗣
  24. _.p4patrese._ c: What happened to your head
  25. Liyah.b_ _: IM SO GLAD UR BACK❤️❤️😭😭
  26. ãngel hester: React to Big Brazy by Molly Brazy
  27. Nevaeh Rivera: My baby to cute🤪🤤❤️
  28. hotheadk: What happens to his forehead?
  29. Debora Dennis Reid: What's wrong with his face
  30. Nataillia Lamar: BICTH it say baby girl you go but this dick in your his a boy thats what he suppose to want stupid nigga he is not gay
  31. Aysha Edmondson: 🤗😇
  32. Kiyah Baby: 3 videos in one day that’s tuff ❤️😌on ya grind 👀
  33. Jay Harris: You and jay should react to sexy stilleto would you mind by janet Jackson
  34. Bryson Shoemaker: Wat happen to his forehead
  35. Marshall Mathers: Some people look way younger than they are. Theres this instagrammer named Cece who looks 11 but is 16
  36. Renasha Hart: Wat happen to your face
  37. mariam amidou: react to ceraadi ultimate playlist n watch the whole video
  38. Tai Johnson: What happened
  39. Queen royal _: Hezo’s face expressions be having me tight 🤤🤗😍😂
  40. Carolina Marrero: Kiyah Onna mission I know write that’s what u said like frr but 😂
  41. Tara's World: Ik now you got in a car accident
  42. Betty Hil: Okay I see you spamming !!🤟🏾
  43. Tanija Littles: He be having me dead
  44. Ciarra Doll: INTROOOOOOO SONG ?????
  45. Taylor Posey: What happened to yo forehead my nigga
  46. Emma daugherty: Oh no you anit alone bae😍
  47. Perris Moore: Your smile be making my day every time I watch your videos it makes my day 10x better💚
  48. Saniya Strickland: At 12:55 of the video u said that girl is cute that girl is gay her youtube is niyah got curlers I think
  50. Jazlyn and Emely: What happen to you
  51. Alexis Phoenix: 😨
  52. Quoia Bridges: Hezo💛💛💛💛
  53. Nahseem X: Whats the name of the intro🔥🔥🔥🔥
  54. Peachessta XOXO: Shorty in the front was also gay 💀 12:56
  55. Jahmyia Williams: intro song ?
  56. Bryanna Simpson: His facial expressions be funny ash
  57. princess Tylea: Look at my hezo😍😍💗💗❤😊
  58. Myaa Pack: Yea you react to her
  59. destiny celestin: What happened to your face😵😵😵😵😵😵😵
  60. Chelsea Myburgh: car accident
  61. chanelmckenzie: what happened to his face and his arm
  62. rachel forlife: Stop making those ugly faces
  63. Lisa Davis: TEMPO REMIX CHALLENGE 💝💝💝👀👀
  64. Taylor Mi’chon: Anisa Waldon He got into a bad car accident
  65. Gabby Jackson: Pretty Little slimes Car accident
  66. Kendra Harris: 12:28 dam 😂😂 he got me over here dying while his face is just there looking like that
  67. Ohthatssnay: 🔥🔥
  68. zanajahh .: do another one today , i could watch you all day 😂😍😍😍.!
  69. Kiersten Walls: Can u react to pow pow challenge
  70. Dxddy_sahara abdi: Taylor Mi’chon oh I feel so bad for him
  71. Gabby Jackson: Benaye Pickens Car accident
  72. Khayla Vlogs: react to quensadilla she so funny
  73. Just Cita: Dang shorty in the front is niyahgotcurls
  74. Unique _Slays: What is the song intro😫
  75. Tamia Jane Williams: You really cute nd ya facial expressions got me 😍👌😂
  76. Tay Camille TV: Look at my baby still fine as ever 🤤🤤😍✨
  77. Dashea day: React to jxk180k challenge
  78. Trinity Gallman: I'm glad you okay babes ❤️
  79. 414 Jordan: You be so mad when a nigga start dancing lmao🤣
  80. Yungv. JeFF: winniegunz what happen to him
  81. Princess Chenel: Song for intro
  82. KiMya Berry: What happened to you on your arm and Your head and hand
  83. Keke Sqaud: What happen to u
  84. Full of Flaws: Emaya soto THANK YOU BISH
  85. Kayla Nicole: “Official.redhead I bet she hoop ...official nigga she officially a hooper nigga “ Justin so stupid LMFAOOOOO 10:03
  86. Carolina Marrero: Ohh and he looks so hot even with the accident that happened to him ohh and I Thx god that ur ok if Something happened to u bra idk like frr but ur alive ohh but can u react about comment plz today
  87. 2țoned_baby_ nene: I watched both videos already n team hezotv #HezoMeloTV
  88. babby arie: 3 mf videos in one day ok hezo i see you 💛
  89. ãngel hester: 1st one to comment
  90. don't stare be aware: Yesssss ty
  91. Kiersten Walls: Can u react to legendary challenge
  92. Jayla James: What happened to you
  93. tyreonna hart: Do money rate me 1-10 please
  94. TyreseR 435: Yo face
  95. Brianna Zuniga: Awww he called niyah cute❤️
  96. Loco Fries: Yooo he was gon “on god I love max n ruby but then he seen the girl booty n he got mad cause she didn’t twerk” this niqqa funny😭😂🍃‼️
  97. Kiera Morris: yess
  98. riah pie: Damn hezo we got 2 videos in one....Thanks tho....glad ur back 😁🤗...and the girl you said is cute asf in the 2nd video is gay asf...but I think she cute 2...lmao😂
  99. Eddie Lucas: What happened to you 😮😮
  100. Kasha Wilmore: You get so ugly
  101. Joosey Jay: Zaddy😍
  102. theyaddoreirslays 09: Alanna McCree wat happened to his face
  103. fw. brownskiin miya: It hurts me to see you hurt💓💓💓💓
  104. Guxxi Life: Is it just me or did his eyes get lighter😭👀?
  105. Kiara Shyannè: @5:21 “ they got matching fros.. and shit “ 🤣🤣🤣
  106. Imaaan Xx: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  107. Aniya Ne'Shell: Do ceraadi sister goal comp .
  108. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  109. Nini Reacts: Yoooo I'm not bout to play with hezo yo 8:00 had me deaaddddd 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  110. DOA MUSIC: What is you intro song name because it's so lit I mean I want it on my ring tone.!!
  111. Destiny Guy: What’s wrong with his head and hand
  112. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  113. Wynter Edwards: Not trying to be rude but what happened to you forhead
  114. Ariah Diva: Love ❤️ you’re chenol dad
  115. Erica: What Happend To Your Face???
  116. Sakia Brooks1: At what time did he react to it I missed it
  117. TaMari Allen: Every since you got that accident i dont look at you different.
  118. litt !!!: REACT TO INHALEMEE
  119. Vera Nembhard: 2:48 wink or blink? 😂
  120. Ashley Johnson: 😂😂😂
  121. Dannehya’s Beauty: I’m fucking with this double upload🔥🤪
  122. shaylyn E: 9:02 you had me rolling I swear I love your ass
  123. Fineeass Kay: Your hell 😭😭👋🏿
  124. Anisa'sBack Haters: What happen to him
  125. Amour. Miya: First ahhh❤️👅👅
  126. Livingwithyanah A: What happened to your face baby boy
  127. Camellia Watson: Who else see that red stuff in his eye
  128. King Daven: What happened to u
  129. JAZELLE Ferguson: Bru what's wrong with yo face
  130. Curlyhead Daylan: Ur faceeee
  131. Unknown Tea: These challenges be lit
  132. Bendito Sy: he's 17 or 20 🤔
  133. Melanin Nurse: They got matching fros 😂😂😂😂😂
  134. Alanna McCree: Hezo's faces be having me over here wheezing
  135. asia raggs: What happen to yo forehead and yo hand not trying to be funny
  136. tatii iii: im slow. What happened to himmm
  137. Officially Pattric01: I love your videos...when I got a cut in my face I used Vaseline and the next day it was better....you can use it if you want 😋juts tying it make you get better because I love your channel
  138. _Jade SiNgS_: What happened to yo forehead ? 💔 shit look painful 😩😞
  139. Kamiyah P: Love u
  140. lolo meme: Watch rcdcworld1
  141. Airiana Davis: Boy if you don't stop scratching them scabs on yo forehead
  142. Arizbeth Hernandez: He so lit 💯 I love him so much .....😭💙
  143. Classy Niah: Came in the cut wit 3 videos
  144. jayla Holloway: What happened to your face baby
  145. Vera Nembhard: 27 views and 51 likes goals
  146. Mariela Del rosario: What happened to you
  147. Kedrine Plummer: Thank you crushing on a kid
  148. Rondaria Wadley: three videos in one day ❤❤
  149. shaneal mckann: JAYLA ROSE since the last panty dropper vid he didn't post in 3 days and he posted 3 vids
  150. Chardanea Berry: I LOVE UR HAIR
  151. Tiffany Blakney: Ur videos always litt and hope u getting better😍😍😍🤩🤩
  152. Tondalaya Jude: Ayy i fuck with u heavy
  153. Tonia Jones: Wow idk how you got through the video. I was done after 3 of em. Soo repetitive
  154. Jusan Jones: What happened to your face not to be Rude
  155. Makayla Moore: 😍😍
  156. lifeas zamia: Heartless.ant
  157. Yungv. JeFF: First sub to me y’all
  158. Ariel Weems: what happened to the middle of his head
  159. Arina Pirtle: #BLACKLIVESMATTER
  160. Bridget Miller: 12:56 shorty in the front a little “boy” 🤣🤣🤣
  161. z Semetic: What happened to your arm and face
  162. Amelie Iyaremis Aguirre: 1:08 thats my face when i get high💀
  163. CDub Sisterz: HEZO the GOAT 3 vids in one day and recovering from the crash HEZO
  164. sysy torres: What happened to your face
  165. Nae Ing: What did we do to deserve getting these videos in one day
  166. Taylor Mi’chon: sahara love's ona Car accident
  167. KitaDope: React to chythegreatest dance compilation
  168. Alyssa Rhymes: Do reaction to gang up like dee
  169. Jvonna Fleming: 😩😩😩😩😩😍😍you so fine
  170. Merry-mere Mitchell: What's on yo 4head???
  171. Dovie Divkerson: Did he get beat up or sum
  172. Keke Francis: what happen to yuh forehead😕😕
  173. Its. Laysia: What happened to his face?
  174. Takilah Rideau: You are so cute
  175. Makayla Brown: WHATT HAPPENED TO YOU BIG BROTHER????????????????????
  176. shona love: Thanks for reacting to the video I sent you ❤
  177. Lyrical: I know im not the only one getting ads during this and the last 2 videos brooo... But im loyal enough to keep his request of not skipping his ads if he ever got any...
  178. Ninnna 00: React to niyahgotcurls that’s the one u said was cute, she gay tho
  179. Crazy Jayy: Brianna Zuniga right
  180. Sha’Marlon Janae: Nazarahe Ingram Car accidrnt
  181. Karlia Thomas: Love you hezo ❤️😘
  182. keyona white: it was litt
  183. Leah Lee: the thing baby girl wat you gone do for this clout you gone bust it open put this oop in your mouth they not gay they say it to someone else
  184. Zayn Mckenzie: i thought you werent gonna be up here for a while cuhz of what happened but i see the grind never stops 🤪😂
  185. xxxTentacionis mybabyxxx: Nope.He fine asf.(he kinda looks like a daddy LMAOOOO JK JK)
  186. Savanna Nichols: What's wrong with your face
  187. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  188. Alahna Collins: What happened to your arm hezo ?
  189. Joy😍💕: React to Kabrinas baddest moments bcg 16
  190. Connie dedmon: Omg hezo hope you OK bro
  191. winniegunz: loving all the posts 😢
  192. Leahana Foris: Ayye back with the videos❤❤❤❤❤
  193. Fadumo Mohamoud: 2nd one was brazy.nique
  194. Niyah Taylor: Rikeyah's Journey me too😂😂
  195. PrettyxAhmya: Do a reaction to niyahgoycurls
  196. Kiki Winston: I love your channel keep doing your thing! ❤️
  197. Dejanayha Hill: one of these little girls looked like one of my nieces it isn't but let me find out Ima beat her ass I don't even see her that much but I would still whoop that ass
  198. Saderris Turner: Second
  199. Lamontae Smith: the way u ended the vid was petty😂😂😂
  200. Trevious Tre: if you scrolled with out watching the whole video you ow me
  201. Linda Smith: Love u
  202. angelica ic: The girl at the end with the yellow one is carribbean 🌴🌴🍍
  203. i am quori: What happen to him
  204. Jasmine Herrin: React to Fred dukes, “make my dick hard not my life” 🤣
  205. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  206. Anna Mae: Love you ❤ happy to see you still shinning 💯💯
  207. letajia adams: what happened to you
  208. Trenee Brownlee: I luuuuvvvvv ur reaction vids there great
  209. Dimpleface_Kayla omg: He just made my day again and for everyone else🖤🖤💙💖😂
  210. __ rAIH: Yeoo at 12:51 when he said the girl in the front cute that had me dying bc that’s a whole dyke
  211. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  212. Alaya Randle: i think he busted a vesil in his eye becouse he had a big red dot in his eye
  213. Narwhal Lydia: 11:28 Bruh stop copying my face my guy
  214. Camry Gardner: Hezo you blessing us with all these videos😍😍
  215. Amari Neal: You should react to niyahgotcurls she the one you said ute as hell
  216. Cydney McKinney: Boo what happned.But dang they is good
  217. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  218. Jayda Leilani: Omg what happened to him I’m a new subscriber btw🤭
  219. TT Squad: Ceraadi ultimate playlist
  220. Random videos: The girl that you said the last two girls that I saw the first one she has a YouTube channel YouTube channel is @yagirlnique
  221. Hasnaa Saleh: boy what happened to gotdamn forhead 😭
  222. Lakeisha Myles-Abaidoo: What happened to his right eye? Like there's a red dot next to his pupil.
  223. Carolina Marrero: Wassup hezo Melo tv ohh and am sorry if I spelled it wrong but I think ur so hot baby boy everyone like if u think his hot as hell oh and live comments plz thx bye
  224. Monica Piper: it looks like you got beat to your death
  225. Breonna taylor: U still look fine AF after yo accident😝😜😍😘
  226. OgAsha: Lol the second girl has a youtube ! Its : yagirlnique
  227. Bianca Foster: Hezo the second girl got a youtube and she post videos too
  228. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do a video on BOOM dance challenge
  229. Jaslynn Reneé: react to bad girls all star camilla best moments
  230. Nyhia & Nelly Mafia: The girl that was in the first dancing to stir fry was a dyke her name is Aniyah ... 😭 she date girls 🌈
  231. Kiersten Walls: Can u react to pow pow challenge
  232. donnica pinder: Comin with the videos back to back 🔥😍🎶🎶
  233. lifeas zamia: My baby seamj
  234. shann brown: First you inspire and then you post two videos in one day. GOD IS GOOD. love you Hezo ❤️
  235. Khumari Miller: A bro wats the name of the song in your intro
  236. Kamira Morris-Walker: "ashley lynn he said it in the second video watch from 12:47
  237. Mikeyia Brayboy: The song called~ clout by ty dolla sign and 21 savage
  238. Janie Perrier: First to comment again 🤪🤪🤪🤪 #hezonation ❗️❤️
  239. Chelsea Moore: 8:07- 8:12 had me dead
  240. Brianna Zuniga: Bless so many videos in a day🙏🏼🤣❤️
  241. sky tv: What happened to his head
  242. kyla deegan: 8:11 that boy fiiineee... just me??
  243. Gifted 1: The girl in the front gay
  244. MoMo Gaines: I love you mezo u r hilarious 😂❤️
  245. Danielle E: They got matching fros 😂😂
  246. NaeBae: i hope your healing well💗 you look good, keep getting better
  247. keenyari cobb: Hezo you. Face what happened to your beautiful face
  248. Chloe Curry: That one boy look like the smaller version oh hezo hahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂
  249. Lia Land: 🤣🤣look at hezo at 8:08
  250. Ranaysha Hills: 2:18 i died
  251. Jana Jackson: Im glad hezo on the roll i love u mezzy 😍❤❤
  252. Nevaeh Lewis: Yep
  253. Esabella Bebolf: What happened to your for looks r4 did you get your body
  254. Future Husband: RIRI
  255. Jasmine Neal: when it got to the dude with the fingers yooooo i cracked tf up at your face bruh
  256. Kayla Hayes: Lmao his face @11:35
  257. Kiersten Walls: Can u react to pow pow challenge
  258. Nadi Love: Intro song?
  259. Kiersten Walls: C
  260. anina williams: Hezo what happened to your face and your arm?????????
  261. Babygirl Chelsie: At 11:34 those were 2 dudes
  262. Paradise Bartlett: What to your arm annd eye and face
  263. Tavia Gueringer: Wtf happen to his head
  264. Rodnesha Playing Msp,Roblox: Your face though😂😂😂
  265. Ariyani McNee: 12:56 SHORTY looks 11 lmaooo you gotta start learning how to tell age Hezo 🤦🏾‍♀️😭
  266. syriana mack: all the good videos in the second video u reacted to was after u stopped it...u would a got hyped if u kept watching It😂
  267. zarelove pink: 13:04 did u just moan lol
  268. Babby _imerie: brooo tell me why the lil black girl with the black shirt and purple shorts the one u said "you know she young when she rolled up her shirt" ik her, when it changed to her i was like ayee ik her im dying rn lmfao
  269. Shanyce Love: “Look energy..... mmmm....ya..........bust it open” 😂
  270. Alicia Watkins: My baby is back
  271. theylovedestiny: U back and better and friends come and go and family stAy and support
  272. jada _foreverloved: I watch both of your videos already I really love this channel so much I watch all of your videos and i subscribe and i got the notification on too and you funny and cool I maybe said this already but it's true fr ☺☺☺
  273. Kiara Renaé: That hooper statement accurate 🤣 “if they got a fro, Nike headband, and hoodie then they a hooper”
  274. Tierra Roby: They all look stupid
  275. Bailey Marie: What happened to your forehead and your eye ?!!im late but hope your okay ...
  276. Mckenzie Landry: Thank you for dropping so many videos in one day ❤️❤️
  277. Krystal McGill: Who u know dropping 3 vids in one day? 🤔
  278. Unique Obiorah: Hezo whata your snapchat
  279. Sodnoa Paige: Omggggg u said the girl in the front is cute that's a transsssss
  280. Niesie Davis: Shorty in the front a whole dyke😂😂 but she is cute😍😍
  281. Mireya Heredia: Back on the grind i see 😍😭
  282. Makiya’s World: Shawty in the front in the second video is @niyahgotcurls
  283. Heaven Lopez13: The girl in the front at 12:49 is only 13 and she’s gay.
  284. danielle mccoy: Everybody Better Show Him Love On All Three Videos He Posted Today!
  285. Sasha Morgan: At 14:06 his face has me dead
  286. Kaam Rynn: On ya grindd💪🏽I likee
  287. shanbbgslayz_ tf: Carolina Marrero like a car accident?
  288. chance2tymes_: What’s the intro song name?
  289. Layláÿ Bâábÿ: Looking very well🙌🏽🤗
  290. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  291. Avery Theking123: damm what happend
  292. Katrins Humphrey: 9:47 that girl is gay and she does not ply sports she work at McDonald's and she dance . JS . 12:55 that's curly head niyah and she is also gay .
  293. Supaa Nii: 11:31 peep how his face turned so quick😂😂😂
  294. Tytianna Bosley: 12:55 that's a girl but I think she's gay her IG is @curlyheadniyah
  295. OFfIciAL. DAij: Hezo😂😂😂😂 2:49 she be on instagram dancing she snap everytime
  296. Joy Moore: Yeah😋😋😋
  297. Zenobia Hansen: Do home girl challenge
  298. Kyla Morley: I died when them fingers popped up that was hilarious 💀💀
  299. Nevaeh Lewis: U gotta react to niyah got curls 😂💓
  300. jada green: does anybody else get lit with hezo when he dances to that song at the end of the compilation
  301. Marshelle Williams: Boy it's just a song. A boy going to do it 😁😁😁
  302. Sam Blue: "ThE dMs AlWaYs OpEn" boy you ugly as fuck😭😂😂😂😂😂😂
  303. The teaaa Is hot: Awe u called niyah cute heheheheh too bad she gay tho
  304. natalia flores: yo reactions killin meh this junk funny
  305. unofficialemy: k
  306. Destini Wallace: He should’ve did the last video anything with Nyla be litt😂🤙🏽
  307. Jasmine Gibson: Yo videos really b having me crying
  308. Kiara Calhoun: 5:13 this nigga sed they got matching fros I’m dead😂😂😂😂🤣
  309. Demetrius Pierce: React to this gotdamnzo https://youtu.be/UkVwCxJqV-0
  310. Carolina Marrero: Parris Brown h plz what i dont no
  311. Loco Fries: Hezo reactions got me dead after the drip drop challenge
  312. Jasiah Peppers: What happen to your face boy???
  313. Ferrah Hernandez: What happened to u 💔😖
  314. Tierra Walker: React to niyahgotcurls
  315. Candi Sanders: React to butt naked nasty or naw challenge
  316. Monica Piper: it looks like you got beat to your death
  317. Niasia Woodland: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  318. Love from Nylahh: 12:55 ain’t that niyah got curls 🤣
  319. Kayla Franklin: he get on my nerves ❤️😭 “they got matching fros & shit” .
  320. Jaliyah Marie: Ik I’m late but he said 😂.. “ong nigga I used to watch Max and Rub—— oh” 😂
  321. Jaee Chronicles: back to back with the videos !!!!
  322. ok kkurrt: What happened to him 😭
  323. SIKE BOI: Sometimes when you see like little kids doing it and they’re not dancing to it they put a video on YouTube of them dancing but then people edit them and put the music to make them seem bad
  324. Kalere Knox-limbacker: Shantale 21
  325. it'sTy4 Short: Shorty in the front is gay my brother
  326. Laneya Grant: Can y'all plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  327. Névaeh Lanay: ❤️❤️❤️
  328. Trish Trish: Not gone lie, these little kids be killing me.
  329. Rikeyah's Journey: Early 🤪🤪🤪
  330. Tamira Feanny: React to how big is you
  331. michii torres: What’s that song called that you always put on in the beginning?
  332. Jada Marshall: Second. Hey hezo melo you fine asf
  333. Khalilah Anderson: Why he look disgusted in all his thumbnails lol
  334. Syria Hunter: Intro song?
  335. Shacareon Smith: If u can tell if official. redheads is a girl and play basketball then u can tell who d1.nayah is a girl and play basketball
  336. Nevaeha Robinson: Hezo brings so much joy in my life 😍🤞🏽
  337. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  338. Janiyah S: I ain’t gonna lie I wish hezo didn’t post videos cause like he needed to get better but I appreciate it 😊 tg he’s better now
  339. Jayla Bear: Marshall Mathers right
  340. Tf: 12:16 hell naw😂😂😅😂
  341. Princess Kitoye: What happen to your four head
  342. Kayla’s & Lilly Vlogz: 4:17 look at his eye 👁
  343. Briasha Osei: Pray that God heal you 🙏💚💙❤️
  344. kiara Alyse: He funny asl😂😂
  345. Charcoal Snoopy: 14:11 bruuuh stop mid sentence to look at her butty 🗣JUICY!!!
  346. Princess Gangg: Ayeeee
  347. zy'ari Mathews: Yooooo at 11:29 he looked so confused and so discussed
  348. baby goddess: ok not to be rude and i just subbed but um the song says " she gone bust it open put this boot in her mouth" so the fact that A BOY would do this isnt bad after all its talking about a girl giving head not a boy giving head....................................pay attention
  349. Antiasia Keyes: Hezo fine bro 😍 no thirsty shit tho
  350. Kaylee Mcmillan: He ended it on Jhacari and Nyla oml.
  351. King Sincere: Hezo Melo whats your intro song?
  352. Keniyah Delane: #melogang
  353. MrsHunt2U: The girl you said in the front cute is lesbian😂😂😂
  354. Nimco Adams: dang posting hella 😎😂
  355. Taylia Jones: His face at the girl at 4:52 had me hollering 😂
  356. Brana Phillips: React to When you get lit by yourself
  357. Taniya Kelly: hezo can I suck your tip top
  358. Eu'christa Walley: React to the powpow challenge
  359. Lani’s World: His pants must up on his damn chest
  360. Nanii Tv: Me and u had the same faces at 11:34😂😂😂😂
  361. Yanni’s Super Life: Bless your heart wit these likesss😂🤣
  362. The One And Only Espeon: Boo what happend to ur forhead😥
  363. hoopercj 8: Max and Ruby my show
  364. Amari Wright: Damn you should’ve watched that last video 😭
  365. TeniseNaChay: here every vid 💛🧢
  366. Iris Curry: add me on snap @crystal_2231
  367. mz young marques 101: React to dessy gambino compilation and challenge plzz
  368. Jada Smith: Niesie Davis yeah Niyah pretty too❤️
  369. Luh Unique: 3 vids in one day Mann love u hezo😍
  370. Brianna Zuniga: React to ceraadi please
  371. Juliana Alvarez: love you babyboy ❤️
  372. Xavier Glover: Yo bro how u feeling u been in prayers
  373. Daijah Sanders: shittt hezo only 17 let me tap in before he turn 18
  374. Charcoal Snoopy: 😻😻😻💯✊✊
  375. Eu'christa Walley: Ayeee
  376. Khmari Parker: 12:57 thats niaya got curls
  377. Gabby Jackson: Peachessta XOXO She's bi sexual
  378. Filsan Jama: Err time I’m down I come watch his funny ass videos😭😭😭😭💀
  379. Du Fuc: When ppl say other ppl have big foreheads I get sad😂because they say I do too🤷🏽‍♀️😂
  380. Azumi: WTH happen to his face oh he got hurt 😢
  381. Eula Dew: That girl you said cute lesbian and her name niyah got girls REACT to her SHE FY
  382. Gang Gang: Pause your screen 1:50
  383. ãngel hester: You reacted to this already
  384. Khido !: What happens to his face and arm
  385. E’maya Soto: Shanella Jackson Mari Boy KP- Dumpin its on Soundcloud
  386. Queen Rayna: You so consistent I love it ❤️❤️❤️ I watched the other two already
  387. Ashley Bailey: What’s he’s intro song called
  388. London Franklin: Dayuuummm he got beat broken arm hand for head just damn
  389. Royalty Nation: Can you react to xxxtentacion funny moments
  390. Deanna Doyle: What happened to your hand and your face
  391. bighomiekirby 🖤: 2nd girl is @brazy.nique , she just graduated from HS !
  392. Keniyah Delane: #hezoisback
  393. Dakidd kyhi: j
  394. Nellema Worsley: Are you okay what happened to your head
  395. LikeAriBabyy: 1:27 her youtube is: yagirlnigue
  396. Mizzyxmaa: Hezoooooo my mannnnnn😎😂.
  397. precious shinira: I Loveeee Hezooo😭🤪 This Nigga Said They Got Matching Fros & Shit😂😂😂😂
  398. XCXmya: 3:18 ig is illestasianmei
  399. Alanna McCree: He was in a really bad car accident you can go back to his old videos he talks about it or you can follow him on Instagram and there's some stuff on there about it
  400. Deshay Miles: You are still fine but these Lil kids nowadays they are fast like we're they parents be at.
  401. Slayyy Roxyyy: Whats the name of that song
  402. Chanel Simpson: Jjnjommjjm,lpssszssaerraq doing a strawberry yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do you do you score a
  403. Jalen Sharp: The first video is my friend Tamia🤣
  404. Semajah Thomas: “On gawd I used to watch max and ru— DAT ASS!” Yeooo!! He got me wheezing with these expressions 😂 especially the facial ones😂😂😂😂😂😂
  405. Mya Singletary: I love your personality 🤤❤️ and your vids
  406. Pretty Gurl Flexin: Bitch im dumpin dumpin
  407. Aleeah Aleeah: Oh ......i been sholl trynna figure out......did his friend die or sum
  408. Breanna Bowling: at the end thooo
  409. mz young marques 101: Still lookin daddy-ish ❤💜💦😚💕
  410. Michaella Gyabuaa: Hezo is funny
  411. Kiyah Lene': Where the dudes at in D.C that look like this tho, just subscribed.. love your channel 💓
  412. grape juice: The short girl is gay go to her channel
  413. Carolina Marrero: JAYLA ROSE is actually 3 videos am sorry
  414. Tasha Kerth: Is his face okay? No offense.
  415. Nae Ing: What happen to you ???
  416. NAE SQUAD 12: U had me weak when u said we gonna have to go cuz I thought she was finna twerk but she did this shit omfg I love u stay up❤️👊🏼
  417. keyisha adams: @they got matching fros and shit 😂😂😂💀
  418. BabyyNay: 1:23 her Instagram is brazy.nique
  419. Cherish Norah: What happen to his face
  420. Tay V: u on it today with these videos
  421. cece g: dang
  422. Issa Jawn: My self esteem is lower than his pants 😭
  423. Taylia Jones: 8:08 🤣😂😂
  424. Gabby Baby: You are funnyyyy😂your reaction bruh💀you know how to make my night🧡
  425. Nathalie Bowes: Fuck all the haters
  426. Curlyhead Daylan: WhT happened do a storytime on it
  427. Nagaela Hickles: he so fine💕💕
  428. иfl. ѕнααχ: Your facial expressions are funny 😭😭💀💀
  429. LAVICHA WILSON: These lil girls are fast lol ... lmaooooo
  430. Noni J: aw you getting better💓
  431. April Edwards: But shawty in the front is gay
  432. XLiyabee_datgurlX aye: can someone tell me what the hell is up with his face
  433. Shia Rose: 1:30 is the girl you called ugly when they where fighting in the back ground
  434. bethany espinoza: loveee
  435. Valencia Cole: React to dc youngfly everybody got roaches
  436. Quierra Watkins: Aww u still cute while ur healing up😍
  437. Sanai Gray: Hezooo❤️
  438. Alison Lobb: What happend to your head😂😬
  439. Sexy Redd: 2 videos in one day gang gang 😍
  440. sshaunti h: they was hittin that bih 😭😭 well some of em
  441. Serena Jones: What is on his forehead
  442. Amara Chaney: You should react to ceraadi ultimate lit playlist
  443. ItsBarnesa: Blah Queen righttt
  444. jaiz Tube: 12.41 his genuine smile is soooo cute
  445. Sippmay !: I love you so much 😭❤️react to ceraadi ultimate playlist
  446. Rikeyah's Journey: Left Snapchat for u 😂❤️
  447. mckenzie carter: ❤️❤️❤️
  448. Alasha Amber: 2019? Anyone
  449. Madison Stafford: You stopped it at a wrong point nyla was about to kill it
  450. Shanella Jackson: Pretty Gurl Flexin what’s the name of this song?
  451. Tiara Ealker: What happened to his forehead.
  452. Gabby Jackson: Car accident
  453. Angel2018 jeffers: Damn he's fine👑👑👑👑
  454. chakeema parker: Notification gang strong 💪🏾
  455. Queen Amaree: Kamira Morris-Walker he should
  456. Kameko Conrod: Love your videos
  457. Shaunte Smith: https://youtu.be/RFRmafgZYDo
  458. Jordyn Stinson: Oh yuuup 2nd one today...ain’t letting nun stop him💯💯
  459. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  460. skadd 24: The way he licked em sexy lips😍😍😍
  461. Hannah: go to 12:12 🤣🤣
  462. Annette Johnson: First off I might be a lil late but if you actually listen to the lyrics the guys are dancing from his perspective like yea girl u go buss it open and put my shit in your mouth n etc but when the girls dance to it it's ok when this is a nugga song n u got bitches dancing to it like they gotta dick or sum SMH don't assume ppl gay n shit if u don't know them
  463. Parris Brown: Carolina Marrero
  464. KevShari Buchanan: Regardless for him being injured he is blessed and still looking fine as hell
  465. TT LITT SQUAD: Not to be in yo business but what happened to yo face🤔
  466. Riyahhh Wiyahhh: What happen to his forehead😭
  467. Deerah Boo: Please react to the royal family
  468. Jayla Gosey: Does anyone notice his intro is lit
  469. Demira Bryant: What happened to him
  470. Queen_ Mads: This man face expressions kill me 😁
  471. Nia Stubblefield: There’s a NIGGA rapping the song so how is a boy dancing to it gay??😂😂
  472. Destiny.alysse: bro you ain gotta start it over like 5 seconds every time
  473. Baby J: First 💗
  474. Niyah Hill: What happened to you
  475. • Yung.Midnight •: The second girl @ is brazy.nique
  476. Joshie Harris: pleasee
  477. Jalissa Brown: It is called clout by ty Dollar sign
  478. iiFalseFeelingsii: 2:06 that's the girl from henry danger
  479. Wahliyah Parrish: What happened to your forehead
  480. Artiesha Wilkins: he got 3333333 GIRLLL
  481. Simply Zahra: The second girl ig is brazy.nique
  482. C.pimpin wOrLd: wait what happened to your faces
  483. waina philistin: The girl u said that was cute likes girls
  484. Nakiyah Babes: His face at 11:28 LMAO
  485. Kamiyrah Jones: You not alone
  486. Olivia Marvel: That was lit 😂❤️
  487. DatgirlMoMo !: React to ceraadi
  488. Courtney Wynn: JAYLA ROSE that's where i seen u from flipagram 😂😂😂❤
  489. Meme Chanel: “Shawdy in the front cute as hell”-hezo She’s gay😂 @12:53
  490. alexa channel party!: What happened to your face?
  491. Mia Chavez: 11:49 that instant face change tho
  492. Mikayla P: 8:08 🤣💀
  493. Key productions !!: What happened to your face no disrespect your one of my favorite youtubers
  494. Kelil Frames The Beast: His face through out the whole video 😂
  495. Breanna Bowling: 3 vids in one day stay on yo grind
  496. Anisa'sBack Haters: Taylor Mi’chon oh thats terrible😭 hes ok though still smiling 😃😘
  497. Theonenae: I’m thinking you way older than me 😂 we the same age
  498. ivy great singer in hiding: .....
  499. MaKayla: Mikeyia Brayboy girlll you a blessing 😘🙏🏾
  500. Trevious Tre: ok
  501. Its just niya: Everyone at my school say that’s tuff 😂😂
  502. 36jada: OMG he did two videos in one day love you so much 😂😍😍😍😍😘
  503. Tynaysha Johnson: Ayye
  504. Kaylaqueen_ 101: Nevaeh Rivera that’s not to babby😂😂😭
  505. Royãltÿ Kãy: We luv we praying
  506. Lauryn Alexander: wait what happened to him?
  507. Van Anderson: What happen
  508. yanna: What happened to his head
  509. Dxddy_sahara abdi: What’s wrong with your frorehead and arm💔😭
  510. May Jay: What happened to his right eye ?
  511. Tara's World: What happened to him did he get in a food fight or something to do with fire plz tell me
  512. Shardasia Lowe: Wdh happened to his face
  513. Dani rawson: 2 videos in one day. Hezo is on point
  514. Jori Opara: Imma just leave this here for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_McBHMAaIj8&t=2s you will dieeeeeeee at this video.
  515. Damonique Lee: Laii no cap
  516. Arina Pirtle: White, Hispanics always trying to be black
  517. Vanessa Camara: coming with them bangers !!!
  518. Jackson Webb: 💛💛🙏
  519. Marion Scott: He so funny 😂😂
  520. Amani Thompson: We misssd you , but react to Aliyah janelle codeinw
  521. le`Ryc: His facial expressions be Killin me😂
  522. Amiya Curtis: Showty in the front is gay
  523. Amirah Watkins: Why yo face like that
  524. Harmony Martinez: It’s really how he say shoty inn the front cute as hell but she gay 😂😂
  525. Chanta: 14:09 Lmao 😭😂😂
  526. Mya Mckinney: Hezo always pausing on ppl face when they look stupid😂😂😂😅
  527. Jaden Bloodworth: The hell happen to his face
  528. Georgette’s Here: Bruh 8:07 had me dying😂
  529. Naci K. Brown: Reacton to Bracefacelaii videos u would love her
  530. Davina Lee: His face expressions 😂😭
  531. Math Singleton: slap Stick lmaoooo
  532. Denise Roberts: Hezo face expression does have me weak🤣🤣
  533. GALIXY S: What’s the song in the intro???
  534. Ashley Harsten: What jappen i prY for u i hope u are ok
  535. P_rker Roblox: What the fuck is on his head
  536. Jams Kin: He act like he never got his dick sucked. Before
  537. Brandi Mackey: Your hair😍😍😍💖
  538. Keiya Riley: Please do a reaction on dip one challenge
  539. mizz royalty: you should start vlogin
  540. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  541. The_ Realist: What happen to you
  542. Midnight Wolf: Yall rather a bitch with a fucked up face but a bomb ass body or and fucked up body but a bomb ass face?
  543. Nagaela Hickles: they got matching fros😂
  544. Amilah George: What happened to you
  545. Sylvia Silverman: What is wrong with your forhead
  546. Miaaa D: Syria Hunter its Dumpin by Mari Boy
  547. Monae Sims: i have a big forehead too lol
  548. KingKanyeezy Weezy: Tearing Up At Your Facial Expressions Yeoooo Bruh Be Looking Angry When He's Thirstin Dawg😭😭😭😭💀 and Dawg Was So Disappointed At Them Fast ass Lil Chicks
  549. J'Layne Hulse: imma send u some yellow crocs lmao
  550. Naee Dolll: 3 vids one day yessss 😩
  551. Lillie Rudloff: Yasss three In a Row HEZOOO is back peeps ❤️😂
  552. Jad’a Jordan: Hey hezo
  553. Qanya Moore: do the non stop challenge
  554. stephanie moody: Hezo all ways got me laughing 😂😂😂
  555. Jad’a Jordan: Next react too liddlenique dance videos plz and this is brazytea
  556. D G0ldiee: Can you follow me on ig @d.g0ldiee_ and can you watch and subscribe to my YouTube channel i love youuu so much 😫❤️
  557. Joshie Harris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-pkJqG_goQ&t=62s
  558. Eddie Lucas: What happened to your eyes
  559. Arianna Hill: What happened to your arm?
  560. Myauna Smith: Stay on your grind bro‼️‼️❤️
  561. Michel the queen Pinales: What Happend to your face?
  562. Carla Monroe: do another woahh challenge
  563. ãngel hester: Early Gang
  564. Myaa Pack: Olivia Isarel no she not she bi
  565. Tamia Mozone: whats her @?
  566. Trinity Pearson: First
  567. saucy_ Tete: u hella funny❤❤❤
  568. jakimah carter: The one you said was cute as hell in the second video is niyahgotcurls react to her ☺️ she’s gay tho lol and lit asf
  569. Olivia Jade: React to I got hair dance compilation
  570. Jamarian Tripp: Do some reactions to ceraadi
  571. Princess Kai: The girl that Yu said cute ass tell she a dyke 😂.
  572. Alexia McCray: U are the best youtuber I've ever seen
  573. Parris Brown: Carolina Marrero. H Plz
  574. Margo Jefferson: around 12:47 when you said the girl in the front cute or fine i forgot yo exact words go react to her @niyahgotcurls its a whole bunch of videos of her dancing n she funny n a good style they put her in dance battles with other kids n shs have her own complication @she's only 13 so go react but when you turn 18 just know she only 13 but yea love you
  575. kiana mccain: What’s the intro song called
  576. Courtney Wood: Ayyyyyy u looking better
  577. Ashleigh SmithTV: You be roasting you said her head pinging 😂😂😂😂
  578. Priya. Boyd: Lol but you said RiRi was ugly in one of your other video
  579. Jaislime15: Aww😢❤️ what happen to him
  580. Megan briana: what happened to his face???
  581. JAYLA ROSE: 3 videos in one day😆 what did we do to deserve this 😁
  582. Confetti Production: 1:08 ig is brazy.nique and her sc is xox.beauty
  583. Aliyah’s Vlog: I,m so sorry I,m late I was sleeping
  584. Nataillia Lamar: FUCK YOU
  585. Laelah lee: I saw that u winked 😘😘 aww
  586. I & D goals: Bad Girls Club All Star Battle best moments
  587. Lyrical: i feel special, my favorite youtuber spamming with videos
  588. Fierce Zebra: There was a commercial before yo vid and I tried to hard not to skip and I didnt😂
  589. Princess Tianna: He called riri ugly in the other vid lmaooo 😭❤️ @riritheofficial
  590. Baby KyKy: you posted this on my birthdayyyy😂🤤🤤
  591. Lani’s World: 14:06 he was shook👀👀
  592. Mikeil Gray: Lit
  593. FabbGabb: @8:12 that nigga go to my school and stay tryna come @ me😭ima friendzone him tho cause hezo my man
  594. Yosselin Tator: #HEZYMEZYGANG WYA????
  595. GlassesFace . Babydoll: Yo his facial expressions be sooo funny and cute lol especially wit the Soulja boy he was too shocked lol😂😂😍😍❤️
  596. Magickal Wand: If a girl got on a Nike hoodie, a headband and a fro..she hoop. LOL
  597. Mikeil Gray: He said energy
  598. Leisha Hobbs: What happened to your face
  599. Curlyhead Gaming: Why his eye red
  600. Kamiyrah Jones: You n
  601. winniegunz: Yungv. JeFF car accident
  602. Summer Wade: you NEED to react to liddlenique
  603. Sagal Kosar: ❤️❤️
  604. Lazy Koala: No he is fine
  605. Forever Payton: React to Niyah got curls that’s the one that u said was cute 12:56
  606. Sha’Marlon Janae: Accident ^^
  607. Charcoal Snoopy: 15:18 how you a youtuber with ads on your shii💀💀 really thought they would take it off since you using they app.😭smh, I support lil bihh
  608. Aliyah’s Vlog: JAYLA ROSE I like your stile
  609. jada w: These comments funny asf
  610. Ice ice Yas: Je parle pas anglais mais j’aime bien ses vidéos 🤷🏽‍♀️
  611. Nadia Simpson: I know I'm watching ever vid😍
  612. wb tink: Get well soon 😩❤
  613. Shahena Gerome: the end of the video was lit!
  614. Destiny Riley: Hey new subscriber what happened to your face?????
  615. KL GANG: Can someone tell me what happened to his forehead
  616. Peyton J: “Damn her forehead pinging “😭😭😭 I’m screaming bruh
  617. Chaun Jeffrey: Making up for lost time I see
  618. LayBreezy: I Was Just Finna Be Like Whats With That L And You Was Like Whats With The L Thing 😭😂😂 I Was Like I Was Just Boutta Say That
  619. Dany singing adventure: You 17 👀 I’m 16 🤪 hey baeeee😂🤷🏾‍♀️
  620. KTS GANG: Wat happened to ur arm hand forehead and eye?
  621. mireya kuro: Fkin hott 😢
  622. Your Wanted: He was bouta say on god I watch max and ruby😂
  623. madison h: bro WATCH QUENSADILLA VINES/VIDS
  624. Sierra Coleman: You are so fine
  625. Randomm Reah: Brianna Zuniga he doesn't know she les tho 😂
  626. nia reed: what happened to ur face im not trying to be mean like the scare
  627. jada green: having 3 videos from you in one day is like the best thing ever.You puttin that good work in to get to 10k.Ian never watched a youtuber to put that much content out i one day.This is why i love you so much.
  628. veyahyowcee: @11:28 🤣🤣🤣🤣 WEAAAAAKKK ASF FAM😭😭😭😭!!
  629. Liyah DIY: 😍😍
  630. Ayanna Williams: Hey little ugly dude
  631. Bria Rucker: #HEZZYMEZZZY Hope u feel better love u stay on your grind so go react to this lit videohttps://youtu.be/b_HeRKkRcXw
  632. Lyana Lyana: 10:43 Name of challenge?
  633. that boss_ass_bitchmaddog: Bruhhhh that boy in the white tank top I follow him on instagram!😂😂😂 well guess he prolly gay
  634. Taya: You a beast today! This is why we fuck w you!💕💯🔥
  635. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  636. Jailyn J.: Do pow pow dance challenge
  637. Priscilla Harrod: You is mid😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
  638. Shawna P.: lmaoooo. his reaction @14:06
  639. Malaysia's World: React to the pow pow challenge
  640. Ola Ford: 3 videos in one day what did
  641. Simply Nia_: Car accident?
  642. Lovelymakayla: React to take you down challenge
  643. Casey Brooks: you are cute what happen to you
  644. Trinity Mobley: Oh yeah it's probably from the burn
  645. key 1: car accident
  646. Alice The graalan: Damn what ever happened to him fucked him up 😕😫
  647. H Jo: Where is his tatoo
  648. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  649. Myaaa: Hezo Melo Gang stay up❤😅
  650. Babygirl Chelsie: At 2:49 that "ShOrTy in the front" is gay
  651. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  652. Tara's World: Not food fight just fight lol
  653. Syria Hunter: Miaaa D thabkyou
  654. Cortial Ray: 👋
  655. Andreia Silva: 3 videos in one day ? nothing can stop hezo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  656. Nia Regis: Can you react to the pow pow challenge please
  657. Scarlett King: Omg Lol fr fr
  658. Kylah Tedder: His head what happened
  659. Livingwithyanah A: An I jus realize your arm is broke dang god bless you
  660. Myla Wallace: https://youtu.be/71YGyRN9fUY
  661. dissgirl _hur: React to me u and Hennessy Nicole Kirkland
  662. STAR Lights: 12:49 she is a tomboy
  663. Micala King: Do Tiffany pollard next 15 moments the 17 min one
  664. Laneya Grant: Can u plz do the BOOM dance challenge
  665. Brianna Zuniga: Ultimate lit playlist
  666. Nana Teague: Did you see when he said that shorty in the front desk you that was Niah
  667. Aniah Schenck: What the fuck happened to your arm and face
  668. K&k TV: Another one yessss💖💖
  669. Amanda Rivera: Hmu pleasee @ bambi_georgous (on snap) Dah_bambi on Insta
  670. Kamira Morris-Walker: You should react to (niyahgotcurls) she's the one you said was cute as hell in the second video
  671. xoxo Ireeauna: 2:21-2:23 I died come to my funeral 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 noooooooooooooooooo why she poppin datt like dattttt 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤢🤢
  672. Danielle P: React to ceraadi
  673. Makenzie Hatcher: Did you get beat up
  674. Auriel Apple: His faces be making stop breathing 😂😂
  675. corneliah hangula: OMG ,Iam Namibian and I love watching hezo melo tv its just so lit..
  676. Tyra Sharnell: Hezo on a roll todayyyy, yesss 💛〽️
  677. Asia Daughtry: You stop the video to much just let it go
  678. Rocky Rose: Niesie Davis she’s not a dyke she bi stupid
  679. Babyyy Moe: Hezoo 🗣 ! U gotta react to ONE CHALLENGE POW POW POW 🤪🤪 Omm dat challenge go too crazyyy💯💯✅ big facts
  680. chicken little: Hasnaa Saleh he got in a car crash
  681. Ashanti Jakhia: Do the Mario challenge
  682. Cece❤️: Can you react to it’s a fucked up love story parts 1-10
  683. Sade Young: I hope you get way better 😘❤~Kaniyah
  684. Joshie Harris: react to pow pow challenge
  685. Damari Fields: What happened to ur face
  686. Anime Lover: He got a thing for light girls.
  687. jayla Holloway: Can you be my boyfriend ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  688. Tayy Mariee: Love Yhu Hezo Please React To LYE Academy Pleaseeee ❤️
  689. Yaknowwhopoppin_ Lea: First to comment
  690. Kiersten Walls: Can u react to pow pow challenge
  691. Kiersten Walls: Can u react to pow pow challenge
  692. Hannah: now go to 14:05 dude had to stop for a minute
  693. Haniah adamczyk: "On God I used to watch max and.........."next video
  694. Miyah Anderson: 👏🏽 Lmao
  695. Risky Remy_: I love you Hezo 😍you make me happy all the time on my worse days😍❤️And what’s the name of the song to your intro👀?
  696. Jay Tv: Numba 2 lets GGOOOOOO HHEEZZOO
  697. Sanera Robertson: R u okay 💙💙💙💙
  698. Eboney Mae Bennett: Second
  699. Brooklyn Rose: who beat his ass?
  700. Myla Wallace: Hezzzzoooooo
  701. VibezzwitKyara: song?
  702. Gifted 1: The girl in the front gay
  703. Taylor Mi’chon: Lol the third girl was in another video and he called her ugly 🤔
  704. kookiemac !: 😂😂😂14:08
  705. Sd NaNaNation: Finish watchin dat video hezo
  706. Alana Seifullah: u should react to the japan challenge
  707. key 1: lmao 2:28 ik telling u these kids these days b 5 n 6 and b skinny and tall asf
  708. MARI’ZZZ_WORLD 101: You should react to the Pow Pow Pow challenge.
  709. Joy Moore: Trinity Pearson hey
  710. Kiera Morris: i hav crush on youtobe
  711. LeyLey Sim: The other challeng that you watched you said " Shawty in the front cute"she dresses like a boy and she like girls hahahahahhaha Love u #teamhezo
  712. Sariya Norris: His faces be having me weak 😂😂
  713. kim thomas: 14:13, justin, yo reaction got me straight dyinggg LMFAOOO.
  714. Mackenzie Barber: Alanna McCree lol right
  715. Tamesha Fuller: React to ceraadi
  716. Cheyenne Cutt: I love u you mad cute keep up the good work
  717. W h y A m I L i k e T h i s: Anyone else notice a blood vessel popped in his eye... (Edit) somewhere around 4:58 😳
  718. Waves on Siya: Do a Beaton’s scared straight reaction ❤️❤️❤️💯💯


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Comedy Stir Fry Migos Crank That (Soulja Boy) Soulja Boy Upload TimePublished on 25 Jun 2018

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