Remains of a 400-million-year-old tropical forest found in Norway
SVALBARD, Norway, An ancient tropical forest found in Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, may explain one of the most dramatic climatic shifts in Earth's history.
Some 400 million years ago, Earth's atmosphere witnessed a 15-fold reduction in carbon dioxide. Climate scientists have long tried to account for the drop.
Some scientists believe it was the rise of forests just like the one found in Norway that precipitated the change. As the planet came to host large plants for the first time, the mighty tropical trees sucked millions of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.
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- yogini sd: +Sam Nakamura yup
- Brett Smith: Every time I hear that obnoxious robot voice I atomically think the video is bullshit. This voice is like the official foil hat lovers theme song.
- yogini sd: what's so weird about the earth changing position as a whole? This "continental drift" doesn't make sense unless it's in the context of the EXPANDING Earth and I don't hear msm or mss talk about that.....
- WegDhass: earlysda are u a hard Christian.
- deputydog7669: found lots of interesting fossilized shrooms among the ferns some look like Christmas ornaments with silver beads circling them :)
- gameofjax: +BB our Father who is in heaven Yehovah Almighty the creator of all things :-)
- yogini sd: +Sam Nakamura smart guy :)
- Tom Sandström: +yogini sd Why wouldent the continental drift make sense? XD
- Adam Insanoff: Can not listen this voice. Sorry.
- Nord van Nord: ja.. kan du sende meg bilder av noe av dette? Er bare en hobby/lidenskap jeg har.. sjekk ut mudfossil university på youtube. han forteller hvordan dette gikk til..og annerledes enn hva man ofte leser i bøkene. spennende greier hvis du liker sånt ;) Skål!
- keith corrigan: The show is reality ,most of the cements are from the twilight zone ,it amazes me how science brings out the Frankensteins in our society (scary isn't it! ) 😐😥
- Shiloh Saves: Age .. Not.. But go back to in the beginning ....
- Lady Dyxea: This Whole Planet was the Garden of Eden, until the invaders invaded. <3
- earlysda: The whole world was made perfect by God around 6,000 years ago.
He destroyed the old world because of the gross sins of the people, by a flood.
He will do it next time by fire.
- yogini sd: +The Ice Viper I guess I just have a mind that doesn't see that as the best possibility :)
- Anna Forhisglory: I guess your uncle with the glass eyes saw this first and communicate to the blind leading the blind, they both fell into the dich LOL The stupidity of man hapens when they do not want to retain God in all his thoughts. How about just six thousand years old not billions?
- pernille: lmaooooo
- Fern Doe: you're stupid sheep for the oil corporations who poison our water and environment.
- didyoulisiten: Oh no, say it isn't so. Climate Change an NO MAN to blame it on. Some one tell Al Gore he needs to invent a time machine and go back and sell his carbon credits to those plants. Hahahahahahaha.
- gameofjax: it was the flood and it did not happened that long ago carbon dating is as messed up as religion read the bible ask the Father to show you His truth
- Sam Hausmann: Just like Ott Christoph Hilgenberg
told in something like 1933...
- orange70383: Bullocks
- TLP TL Power: iv find many many shells and a fealy lagre shell and small bugs fosiles in norway should i say it to sientists?
- Michele Eastman: Could it have been from a pole shift??
Tropical forest remains in Arctic Norway?Tree Fossils Shows |
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Science & Technology | Upload TimePublished on 21 Nov 2015 |
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