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Best comment
- Janesia Young: That was the funniest reaction I've ever seen 😂. Can y'all react to Chris Gayle Kehlani FEEL choreography
- niahhh fasho: Lady marmalade by Nicole Kirkland
- Shay Corry: #Flatlined 😂😂😂😂
- Jessica Anderson: 😂😂😂 I love y'all! Too cuties...😘
- Nihal El Moubarek: "Snowbunny?" So cuteee😂
- Joselyn Hines: do truth or dare
- Baby Caribe: React to Jamie Foxx - Can I Take You Home | Aisha Francis Choreography
- Shay K: Bro react to animal by Nicole ASAP
- J_R_Vesle: Y'all Hella Fan gurln😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀
- yeet boi: Jessica Vanssea is who u should react to but idk if that's how u spell her last name but react to her
- Naricka Noakes: Told y'all this was litty and sexy asf
- Halle Carey: https://youtu.be/KEh-lquwjFg Aliya Janell in this one
- Queen Slay_ Sheniya: when we-tank choreography
- Pauline Etchi: BRUH I CAN'T THE SCREAMS OMG literally I binge watch yall videos almost every day I stg yall funnnnnyyyy
- Hezo: Social media in the description ‼️Go Follow‼️
- Kayy Smith: You guys should react to Neyo’s Lazy Love video. You’ll dig the love interest and what she’s wearing. Trust me. 😉
- Jay Babyy: React to Nicole Kirkland Paloma ford W.E.T
- ashanti warfield: Natasha Mosley- Anything
- Tori Vanterpool: I love your videos 😍 Can you react to Nicole Kirkland’s Birthday Class?
- Ayiana Spellam: Y'all mad funny
- ashanti warfield: do Natasha Mosley- Anything
- ayee anashia: React to Sza the weekend by Nicole it go crazy 😩👏🏾
- Blxck: You alreadyy knowww NOTIFICATION GANG!
- Aiyana Mayfield: https://youtu.be/soBtxyoDhlE
- Ayaz Mala: the girl before the last groups is jade you have to visit her channel she very good and sexy
- Caprice colton: React to this https://youtu.be/xohOCxjLEes
- rrraynaaa: dude on the left is the whole reason I watch these videos
- Athra Lala: Guys, what's going on? Sometimes is says "the video is not available" but nothing written about why ? An idea? Not available in Germany? Well, then there would be something else written, wouldn't it?
- Samii Aydid: React to Tip Toe - Nicole Kirkland Choreography btw they girl with the braids her IG is @ciarachristian
- Roniesha Lestrick: React to Partition by beyonce 😍😍😍😍 y'all will love itttt
- Shawty BadAsf: Reaction to trey songz nana by fraules team
- Apple Jacks: I'm confused Hezo you got a whole jacket on and he got a t shirt huhhhh 🤔😂😂💀
- the0nlyy taay: i love yall😊❤ #1billynigga😚
- Nia: Jay’s scream have me weak asf every time 😂
- Sierra Parker: yooooo y'all videos be funny af 😂😂
- sad eyeś: 6:18 did ya see that sync with there tung😜😱
- Matafanua Tamatoa: Tip Toe by Nicole Kirkland
- Alexis Sage: Watching y'alls video makes my day. Goofiest people I've ever seen. ❤
- ashanti warfield: Natasha Mosley -Anythinh
- Amanda L.: I love y'all 😂💕 React to To My Bed choreo by chris gayle
- jade forbes: react to mariah jasmine jaquees bed bruhh and inhaleeme she baddddd
- Richie I: Dude in the black T got y’all a thumbs down. He annoying
- Chaunice B: Dead!!!💀💀😂💕💕
- Kelsey Nash: jay finna lose his voice screaming like that 😂 but this video its a banger 😂👏🏽💖
- Jabria Riddle: Booty remix Aliya janell
- Hezo: 😂😂
- Crystal Rodriguez: Y’all tooo funny 😭😭
- kianne KL: Y'all are lit love y'all ❤#1billynigga
- Demi Hudson: I love watching yaw video's yaw actually react to the dancers other guys just sit and watch it be all boring this is one of yaw funniest video's!!😂😂😂😂Jay screams had me weak sound like he lost his voice😄😄and Hezo running in place OMG yaw funny
- KY DO: can y'all do bgc reactions🙄
- Debra Watts: Lol😂😂😂😂😂, y'all crazy
- Tori Vanterpool: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hBBaKsOW32w
- KEA J: y’all should do reason by Aliya janell
- Jamani Robertson: Tip Toe Nicole Kirkland
- Nyis R J: Fuunniiiest reactions i EVER seen on youtube. Omfg thank you😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💯💯💯
- taehyung's thot: The camera, I'm fucking deceased !!
- Tiyanna Armstrong: Who came up with the words “NUT BUSTER”😂😂😂😂
- simone Luv: Y’all r wild funny 😭😂 the screams 😭😭💀
- hell x kat: Favorite part 7:06-7:45 😂
- rayawna woods: Y'all was to hype 😂😂
- Jamani Robertson: W.E.T. Nicole Kirkland
- Caprice colton: Y'all crazy as hell lol thanks for making us laugh y'all to goofy
- kianne KL: Jay face lmao
- keyasia roberts: React to skin Nicole Kirkland
- Jalisa Santiago: purple jacket ufff
- pm616: React to Ceraadi’s Super Lit playlist *Biggest Playlist Yet!!
- christina h: Jay is so fine
- Whos Kudo: #1billinigga
- Halle Carey: https://youtu.be/njIWL8rYAls Aisha Fransis
- Za'Kaeya Young: Hey check out drop it low by nickole
- Sierra Eskridge: I love you guys y'all are funny asf💀😂 Can you please react to Nicole Kirklands Birthday Class?
- SemajsLife Cummings: Can you watch shantale 21 musically reaction she beautiful and your type and you will love her
- Dajsia St.julian: React to when we by tank choreography Aliya Janell
- Lea Simon: Y’all so silly 😂😂
- ShamW0Wzer: Y'all some damn fools. 😂😂😂
- Karrin Shriner: The screams 😂😂😂😂😂
- Jenna J: His scream is my fav part lol
- Drea T: I'm sorry but this is some dumb shit. How about yall stop eating Ramen noodles and go learn something worthwhile to share. Learn a dance move or two.
- kiyah lightskin: His run 😂 this channel litt❤
- Tamigea Dent: React to tiptoe by Nicole Kirkland
- Jen's World: Y'all reactions are so fucking hilarious and it's so entertaining, and like I'm always dying when I watched you guys react to videos like this. All I got to say is ILYSM and make it LITTY!!!!!
- TyRiana Williams: I started singing that song at five years old and I'm 11 now
- De'Andria Fulcher: I 💖 you hezo melo
- Dreyah felder: Y’all reactions never fail.. Funny asf 😂😂😂 Watching Y’all make my day fr 😂😍‼️y’all should react to Kirkland Crew presents: Lady Marmalade and Nicole’s Birthday Class: Jeremih Birthday Sex
- Najeea Deans: y'all should react to "Pills and Automobiles" by nicole kirkland its litt😍😍🔥🔥
- Brianna Gibson: Y'all had me ctfu the whole time to 😭
- Savvy B: Bruh , as if the screaming ain’t enough , my boy stood up and did the running man... IM FUCKIN DEAD . Y’all never fail me . This why I fucks with it 💯❤️🙌🏼
- Jade Flores: React to bgc17 sevens best moments
- Stream Daydream, Love, And Agust D: Abigail snatched hezo soul 😂
- Itzdream girl: This bih was funny asf💯Niggas up here dropping the camera 📹 n shii😂 #1billnigga
- Rolisha Evans: That Scream 😂😂😭 React To Nicole Kirkland Post Malone Rockstar
- Nunu Issa: Can you guys react to Wild Thoughts the Aliya Janell
- Jabria Riddle: Booty remix Aliya
- BreyahM: Your screams have me dying 😂😂
- ashanti warfield: Natasha Mosley - Anything
- MidNight_ Oul: Ayo, yo friend or relative is doin the most. He yellin n crap like calm down.....
- Cali Thomas: React to Nicole Kirkland birthday sex please
- JasminTiana: 7:22 has him shook 😂😂😂
- Jabria Riddle: When we remix aliya
- Blasianbabyyy: I can tell the one on the right gets mad when the other one wanna be extra
- Shawty BadAsf: Reaction to Jessica Vanessa twerk
- mstinkieboo: I laughed sooo hard at this !!!!😂😂I freaking love y’all
- Shanese Hoyte: His scream 😂😂😂😂😂😂😭
- Paryis Alexis: You guys be doing the most he lost his voice😂😂😂
- Eboni Clinton: React to aliya Janell mi genet that's the song lol 💜💜 , 5k ?
- Brianna Brown: This was litty bop titty bop 😂😂 nd that Kodak blacc song really fye af
- Hezo: 😂😂
- alex cora: Nut buster!!!!!😂😂
- KIRA: Literally makes my day‼️😩 But #1billynigga😍😍😍😍‼️
- mimi'z life: I'm weak my nigga started jugging 🤣🤦🏽♀️🏃🏽
- Lewauna Collier: Y'ALL FUNNY ASF GOT ME LAUGHING AND CRYING AND SHIT!!!!....😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅
- Kinsana Carter: i think yall should do W.E.T by Nicole Kirkland
- J&K Twinz: Can you react to gotdamnzo roast compilation plz
- TheFuckYouLookinAtMyUsernameFor? _: PLEASE REACT TO BLOW, BY BEYONCE
- Rosa Tv: damn screaming😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm dead
- Qveen Leyah: The dude in the black was doing to much
- A'Lay'jah Williams: i luv yallll so much ive been waitin for a video to come out alll day #day1niggasss #1billlyyniggga!
- Babygirlnini G: This nigga was getting his morning jogs in 😂😂😂😂
- Carina: You guys should react to Nicole kirkland buttons
- yeet boi: Jessica Vanssea
- Iam Dejj: Finally
- ashanti warfield: do Natasha Mosley - Anything
- NeAmiah Norman: Nicole Kirkland Birthday Class
- golden asia: Bruh at 7:36 it sounded like he smoked hella cigarettes bruh im dead lol lmaoooooooo💀💀💀😹😹😹😹😋😋😋😋😅😅😅😅😅
- Semaj S.: "babyy moms"
- Angela Shrum: OMG y'all mfs are hilarious!! 😂
- Bianca Rusu: Litteamhezoooo❤️🔥🔥
- ItsNeNe Vlogs: React to Nicole Kirkland Rendezvous choreography
- Averianna Coates: Please react to tip toe Nicole Kirkland choreography and high end Nicole Kirkland choreography!! Y’all reaction be lit and funny asb😂😝
- delusional fuqer: don’t tell me you just called jade a generic nicole.. look up party favors choreography w jade
- Kixses: React to Sarah magusara!!
- ashanti warfield: Natasha Mosley - Anything
- Marisax .x: This is why i love you guys! Got so hype you lost your voice!
- Golden Lashon: Finally 😂
- Arieanna Milton: Jay’s reaction at 7:05 got me dyingggggg 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Ray: y'all be havin me sooooo weak 😭
- taviana tolbert: Yall should react to cerradi ratchet playlist three
- Andrea Squad: They was doing to much that they camera had fell😂😂😂, his scream just have me dead, and when he was running in place hahahaha, this video was lit can't wait to see more. Love you hezo melo tv ❤❤❤❤❤
- Jabria Riddle: When we remix aliya
- Destinee Renee: Bro I’m telling y’all !!! REACT TO NICOLE’S BIRTHDAY CLASS !!!! ❤️❤️🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
- horzion Mamboulou: the way yall screaming tho over somebody ass LMAO
- Hezo: It’s our 1st video
- Tiffany Adasi: This was the funniest videos I’ve seen of ya... yo jay reactions to each girl or group was dumb funny like you couldn’t hold your laugh... Justin face expression was perfect for this video.... I wonder how ya would be if they were to dance like this in front of ya in person
- ashanti warfield: Natasha Mosley - Anything
- KEA J: girl in the jersey her IG is @ciarachristian
- Ms.Sarah Haro: Lol the way he screams tho 😂😂😂
- JAHCIA DAUGHTA: Queen K facts
- TeniseNaChay: Jay reactions to these videos be funny asf
- Shirlyndale Beasley: https://youtu.be/njIWL8rYAls you guys should react to this video
- Elaine Fleming: Lol he lost his voice 😂😂😂😂
- Gloria Joseph: Ya'll keep comin with the great reactions #NotificationGang #1billinigga
- Kayy Smith: Homeboy to the left is so close to losing his voice lol! He was mad into it..lol!!! And the other guy looked so pissed after he flipped over the table. 😂😂🤣🤣
- Diana Santana14: Y'all fine asl 💞
- Jaeloni Williams: Can you react to syd-body nicole kirkland https://youtu.be/kGn-bMGfERY
- Jabria Riddle: When we remix aliya
- Monica Sams: react to the taylor grilz roll and peace remix plz
- Mariah Mccrary: React to hitman holla vs k shine rap battle.
Kelly Rowland (feat. Lil Wayne) - “Motivation” | Nicole Kirkland Choreography *REACTION* | |
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Comedy Motivation | Upload TimePublished on 12 Dec 2017 |
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