Is This Loch Ness Monster?Spotted on Apple Maps Satellite Image The Cosmos News - Music Chanel RSS

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Is This Loch Ness Monster?Spotted on Apple Maps Satellite Image The Cosmos News

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  1. Fitness Addict: Look yourself on apple maps. It is there!
  2. Christopher Colasurdo: A hundred foot long catfish.
  3. explanation point!: Sturgeon? Maybe.
  4. Henrik Buitenhuis: Thanks
  5. Tachanka: It seems like its photo shop I could not found it on my apple maps so yeah.
  6. Dark Abyss: Looks like a sturgeon
  7. turinreza: or giant robot's Emperor Guillotine's spaceship
  8. John Mogavero: Dont rule anything out. Much of the Earths oceans are unexplored
  9. armando morino: You call that Nessie?  THAT'S FLAT! You think he has a flat butt?
  10. Glenn Ulman: I actually looked at this on apple maps. Pretty cool looking. But definitely not conclusive when you see other stuff in the loch.
  11. Wina Nugroho: that looks like a fish
  12. TheyAreAmongUs1: No it is not the fucking Loch ness monster, its the god dam easter bunny.
  13. Drew Ialonus: +The Cosmos News  You should look in the southwestern corner of Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland, there is a rather large anomaly there too on Google Maps - 54.528944, -6.548349
  14. MrRandy494: The image brings to mind an upside/down shark , if anything . Upside/down sharks go into a survival paralysis that is only known to be broken by the scent of dead shark. Looks like a shark. No shark in these waters? . maybe that's why its not feeling too week. Only spitballing here, folks.
  15. Yul Nep: It's a whale shark
  16. Issa GOAT: It's a whale shark. You're welcome.
  17. Yul Nep: Well, I Guess, its photo edited professionally.
  18. Creeper tensek: Looks like a collosal squid they found it with a camera they saw a huge tentical hit the camera
  19. Nessie: I have a fan club~ <3
  20. Nee B: U S O 
  21. Counter Tyranny Ops: It's a USO and nothing more till we see more conclusive footage. Now then, back to tyrant hunting. Death to tyrants.   
  22. Edward Tarin: Lmao ^^
  23. Jay Carpenter: Bloody catfish lol
  24. John Christian: I'm not arguing the fresh water vs salt, I'm just explaining what I think it actually looks like.  Sharks have adapted to fresh water before...some swim up rivers, so I have no idea what it is, but whatever it is, it's MASSIVE.
  25. Louw Roos: Lol, i think i'd be the richest man alive!!
  26. IPOISON COBRA: Its a fish hahahahahahahahahhahaah luch nes monster is fucking fakee
  27. BEASTSLAYER: Sharks dont live in lakes..
  28. Fitness Addict: Remember this is not the open is Loch Ness.
  29. rmsolympic1: I doubt that this is the Loch Ness Monster - it lacks the long neck described in most reported sightings. However, it could be something different, including some other enormous and mysterious beast. For instance, the image looks more like a whale shark than a Nessie. Still, why would a whale shark be in the loch?
  30. Frank Leon: Ya that what I have thinkt about
  31. Edward Tarin: +Tsamara Nurwina I thought so to but our satellite wouldn't have caught it on the map then
  32. Johnny's Music: It's a goddamn boat i tell ya
  33. Max Maxim: Guys it s the flight mh 370 
  34. Shonda Ryals: Just as fake as a million dollars. Thanks friend.
  35. Kalepherion: a biologist from England did hair sample test from 2 different samples, and they were from the same species. The samples were collected over 10 years apart and in different locations. 
  36. Some Guy: Ikr.
  37. John Christian: Looked like a whale shark to me.
  38. Some Guy: In other news, rickrolling is making a comeback, lol, no.
  39. tundrox32: i agree, looks like a whale shark!
  40. Shonda Ryals: Only means it is believed when seen. Get it? Lol. I dont have to see things to believe they possibly exist. I already believe in many things I cannot see.
  41. Blue Inc.MovedToJCBLUEINC: congratulations u just won a fake million dollars for commenting that
  42. Anitone M: Why do they still use that old photo when it's been proven a fake?
  43. Ifrit622: lol, a whale-shark!!!
  44. Jack Billington: maybe our definition of PROVEN is different.
  45. Mitch Neilson: Looks like the shape of a whale shark! They are capable of growing up to an enormous size. Big head and narrow towards the back. Not too hard to figure this one out. Can't even believe this is a story that people are unsure about, It's great that there is mystery surrounding the loch ness monster but come on people. Look up pictures take of whale sharks from an above view.  I understand it's not open water but in Reality bull sharks have adapted to get up stream and inland in fresh water. They are being found in many places people never thought they could survive. If they can do it why not other sharks. If it is nessie is she swimming backwards?? The side fins really don't justify it being nessie lmao. above is a pic of a whale shark from above. Looks about right to me! They are trying to perpetuate the myth for tourism...
  46. Ryze Main: It looks like 3 dolphins making a wave
  47. Hell Knight.: Looks like a giant shark, making it a new specie.
  48. Hell Knight.: That doesn't look like a whale shark and they live in fresh water.
  49. Wina Nugroho: like, normal fish
  50. DemonBloodWolF0: that is a whale shark look closely and you ca see it's spots on it 
  51. Hootyhaha Hootyhaha: "Studied at the official lochness fan club"  I'm sure there's no one sided views coming from that group.
  52. Sky(Sky The Neko Prince): For people saying it's whale shark how could that be sense Loch Ness is not connected to the sea it has not been connected to the sea for thousands of years. This could he Loch Ness monster or it could be a default in the image. This photo is going bring people Scotland to search the lake again maybe we will find something there. The lake is very hard to look around i. As well sense it's so dark. Hence a perfect place for monster like this to hide it also has a lot under water caverns in could hide in.
  53. evildawn28: It appears to be the shape of a common catfish. I do not doubt its ability to grow that size as they live a very long time. They also grow to the size of their environment. Small pond small fish. For example, in the upper hoover dam in Nevada, there are catfish and carp as big as school buses!
  54. noka5730: Lol the yeti is by no means real, it has been proven fake 1000 times
  55. Christopher Colasurdo: Yes it was edited by apple, herp derp.
  56. Kalepherion: perhaps, but I am not without people sharing a similar perspective.....
  57. LadyDanielle Zana: Its a big bottom feeder fish
  58. Kalepherion: Remember, The yetti was proven to be a real creature last year. could be Nessi's turn.
  59. Anitone M: Hair samples from what species?
  60. Some Guy: Finally someone other than Jeff is on YouTube.
  61. luttimatos: so pretty !
  62. Louw Roos: i am from south africa and here we catch big freaking catfish, now if that thing hooked onto my line i'd sure be the happiest man alive!!
  63. larosau1: Looks like a Big Shark it does not have a long neck... 
  64. dokkiro: +Kalepherion That's similar headlines. That's not similar perspective.
  65. turinreza: greenland shark.. from river monsters
  66. Hell Knight.: +Mitch Neilson <===troll
  67. Ben Robinson: Ha ha it looks retarded.
  68. MrRandy494: It is called tonic immobility in sharks. Looks like a drunk shark.
  69. Blue Inc.MovedToJCBLUEINC: haha it is apple maps apple maps fails
  70. Jack Billington: might be a huge school of fish being rounded up by predators. remember loch ness is notoriously murky waters,so for this to show up at all suggests that its real close to the top,like when dolphins ball up sardines.
  71. Mitch Neilson: I think a whale shark has already been discovered.

Is This Loch Ness Monster?Spotted on Apple Maps Satellite Image

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Science & Technology Upload TimePublished on 19 Apr 2014

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