Science Magazine 2018 Breakthrough of the Year - Music Chanel RSS

Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 3, 2019

Science Magazine 2018 Breakthrough of the Year

  1. Shawn B: Lol hairesment
  2. Ravan Muziek: #metoo was Universities at their worst. An inhumane Classic 1984 witch-hunt with fascist traits.
  3. Frozen Solstice: I wish you had actually talked more about the breakthroughs and about the people who found them. You just skimmed right over them. Along with that, what the HELL is up with the MeToo nonsense, that is not even close to a breakthrough, did you just put that in for yourselves?? I mean, you tagged the video under MeToo, there is no way that it would actually be recognized. Also, the Neutrino finding (in my opinion) should have won.
  4. Jaded Cynic: Sorry, virtually everything a man does or says is now harrassment. My answer? MGTOW. Nuff said. Oh yes....ME TOO IS BULLS ***.
  5. Supreme Wolf MT: So umm...Anyone wanna _actually_ talk about the breakthroughs, and *NOT* the "MeToo" thing?
  6. Morne Terblanche: Who wants to rape , me too , wanna rape what? I was utterly slaughtered by Hilary Clinton when I was 5 years old. Still got that horrible old cunt hunting me. Thus this mean I can sue without a trail ?
  7. victor gonzal: This is about scientific breakthroughs of the year isn't it?
  8. Bob Ross: Disliked because of #MeToo
  9. Cody Page: The breakthrough of the year video only took 5 mins
  10. убиваем русских вместе: > Science > #MeToo
  11. SelectNips: #metoo isn't a scientific breakthrough
  12. curiosityuniversal: Oh fuck you to death.
  13. 123ILOVEWAFFLES: Lost me at the Me Too movement, came here for SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGHS
  14. Naked Squirtle: Damn, this is getting a dislike for me.
  15. chemxal: They're pretty good, but where's my flying car?
  16. Sean Donohue: The American pronunciation of harassment, detail and zebra made this difficult 😅
  17. gamer epic: Ugh this MALE narrator keeps MANSPLAINING to me about women’s issues, like you’d understand. Stop pretending like you understand women’s rights issues. No uterus, no opinion.
  18. Messi Loner: MeToo really? I'm gonna have to give you a dislike
  19. Benji Neuer: could you give me feedback. i really appreciate it.
  20. THOTTIE: The MeToo movement is a scientific breakthrough, as there’s been a slight social shift for women in the scientific community; it’s not much but it’s something.
  21. P4RR4P4lp: Im guessing you know what I want to say, as its been said over a thousand times already.
  22. Ben Gent: Tiktok ads wtf 😥 please take them away YouTube please
  23. onur şenol: #MeToo : 1 - Gravitational Waves : 0
  24. Casey Almas: +justin miller Got any examples?
  25. IMMO ws: radical left & delusional and controlling feminist men bashing are making the science breakthrough list? what about the discovery of snowflakes and the existence of hundreds of sexual identities...Maybe 2019
  26. Dylan Parr: That metoo bull shit just cost you alot of subs *and* credibility. Fire your editors.
  27. squidwardVEVO: Hair is mint
  28. Doug Williams: Traces of cholesterol in a Half billion year old fossil......Right.......
  29. Ivana Tinkle: I agree the Metoo movement is a new strain of cancer they need to nip in the bud.
  30. Raydensheraj: Radical left or right - both pathetic. It's clear as Sprite where you morons get your information. Mainly on videos that want your clicks by spreading ideology - hate the radical by becoming radical. Scarry how good that works on YouTube. Feminism is only good so long it's for the interest of victims - the rights view putting a blind eye on problems and then declaring themselves victims - and you call yourselves MAN? Buncha pussies afraid of some hyperliberal individuals. We had an idea, watch Star Trek. That idea was EVERYONE has the same rights. I guess you all are still not ready for that obviously - and I mean right & left.
  31. Anthonyjh02: adib z That’s a terrible idea. Actually just bad. That’s discrimination at its finest pal.
  32. esperos kk: God damn feminism is everywhere these days. Idiot feminists cant achieve anything themselves and need the stewardship of the government to be fully functioning members of society. Talk about the weak gender.
  33. Paul Birsan: Metoo would be a clever movement if wouldn't be run by resentful hysteria harpies. Still would have 0 points common with science.
  34. justin miller: Me too is getting innocent men put in jail for no reason. 😔
  35. Izick Johnston: The #me too movement is not a scientific breakthrough in the least it is just stupid
  36. Anthonyjh02: victor gonzal Never gunna happen. Males hardly ever get a movement for them.
  37. Mrm4dm4n M.a.c: What’s the song at 1:29?
  38. John LeBlanc: Social justice has nothing to do with science and is honestly a waste of time. I came here for science.
  39. TheWrendre: "okay Stacy if we put it in will you shut up about it?" Fucking hell really me too a "scientific breakthrough" I now question the validity of this entire video.
  40. Aaron Suever: Ugh, is there any way to get rid of conservative, mind-closed trolls?? At least in a science forum? I mean, I get that you guys might possibly also be able to make some contributions to move science forward . But I’m confident that science would be much farther ahead, if women and minorities weren’t systematically repressed in science fields by bad scientists who think the way you trolls do. Only the strongest and luckiest of women (and minorities) have been able to make contributions so far. And of those, many didn’t get the credit they deserved. YES, IT IS A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH IF PERVASIVE SEXISM IS FINALLY FULLY ACKNOWLEDGED IN THE FIELDS OF SCIENCE. That acknowledgment is the key to eliminating it and moving forward. Just like with culture and society, science will flourish when all voices have a full chance to be heard. Trying to mock, deny and silence those voices serves no honest purpose. Just like with culture and society, you trolls are only delaying the inevitable though. You are holding everyone back, just because it gives you a slight advantage. You selfish, stupid trolls are on the wrong side of humanity, and you will be on the wrong side of history.
  41. Jay Shaw: How the fuck is metoo a science breakthrough? More like a SJW movement.
  42. gamerx112: #MeToo movement being called a runner up for "scientific breakthrough of the year" is an insult to actual breakthroughs everywhere.
  43. Jun Zhen: oh boy i cant wait fror all the views
  44. Ross Wilson: MeToo is an important movement regarding actual scientists, the people who make the breakthroughs. It seems entirely appropriate to me. And the fact so many people just want to concentrate on that rather then seeing everything here as a positive benefit speaks volumes. If MeToo doesn’t seem like a breakthrough to you then you clearly never experienced the issues it tackles - which is kind of entirely why it needed to happen.
  45. Adrian C: Oh you sad fucks how did you mention metoo in your video 😂😂😂😂
  46. E: Cuck alert
  47. Shark's Theoretical Discovery: I also made one 2018.
  48. Brandon Bassett: Yeah I'm unsubscribing.
  49. Anime_Madness: “Harissment” I’m sorry.
  50. D R: Stopped watching when the video started preaching. Too bad politics poisons everything these days.
  51. Alex Dorman: That's insane dude! I'm so glad convicting breakthrough scientists from he-said-she-said sexual harassment was a 2018 breakthrough of the year! Progress boys.
  52. God: #MeToo does not have anything to do with scientific research. That's a political issue.
  53. Aws Pro: Your are just discovering now will the Quran mentioned this over 1400 years ago truly Allah is the greatest.
  54. Sue Mead: Why would anyone vote this down? There's so much positivity in this video it's like watching a massive slice of good stuff condensed into something tiny, easily digested and wonderful. We have so many good things in this that we should all be grabbing our kids, getting them to watch this and then having them discuss what they saw and what they think, and what the next year may bring. Thanks *+Science Magazine* . Subbed.
  55. pappapaps: It is really a peculiar coincidence that the loudest avengers of sexual assaults so incredibly often are the ones you wouldn't want to touch with a broomstick, if payed, let alone under a threat of imprisonment.
  56. SkonerTM: MeToo shouldnt have been here
  57. a4yster: 2.5к disliked the runners up list and honestly #metoo
  58. Lyle Ordway: Just goes to show how little you folks know about science. You writers can barely understand the scientific literature yet you report on it immensely. You care more about making your money off of PC bullshit rather than actual advancement. You need to stop
  59. Luciano Bruna: every chance it gets screentime, it's a win for equality. #MeToo
  60. Mishel Fayad: Is it me or the final Breakthrough didn't make much sense? A combination of technologies...? What does it mean? An educational platform?
  61. Independent Mind: While harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct are extremely bad and criminal, the #Metoo inclusion in this video is wrong. We expect this video to be what claims to be: breakthroughs in science. Including the #Metoo movement is a wrong decision. This problem should be treated in specific and dedicated discussion fora in and related contexts. Do not go to this level of mixing up science with social movements. It is equivalent to pay lip service to appeal to women’s sentiments. If you want to do this, treat women’s harassment, discrimination and sexual abuse in detail in a proper fashion and start by giving examples of what the Science publications organization is doing to avoid this internally and in the scientist’s community. But keep it out of science itself.
  62. Mr Chikn: The MeToo movement is not a scientific breakthrough...
  63. frosty: What the hell does metoo have to do with scientific discoveries? Fuck out of here with that
  64. Zach Chang: All allegations of sexual harrasment in the scientific community have to be bull shit nerds arnt interest in sex the way non nerds are.
  65. jsmc 210: I stopped watching the second I saw Me Too
  66. Bay Shelton: MeToo made this video garbage 🗑
  68. Mexiball Nation: Mee too is a witch hunt of moral panic and it can be the death of science.
  69. Incognito FLA: MeeToo bullshit smack in the middle. If one recognizes brain washing can one still be susceptible? Dumb-ass video discredited by idiots editing from a safe space with comfort animals at their feet.
  70. Muneeb Moin: Redefining of the kilogram??
  71. Nameless Legend: The MeToo movement has nothing to do with scientific discoveries, trends or developments. STOP MAKING THIS NON-POLITICAL EVENT POLITICAL
  72. Alucard: Spot the difference
  73. Ruben Wolff: Not everything has to be dumbed down to the lowest level. You are a scientific journal, dont become buzzfeed
  74. • H Ä X A N •: MeToo being included in this video ultimately destroys my will to invest my energy into consuming or trusting any information source on here, whether it be a company or individuals. Byebye
  75. Franz Finav: And now for the 2018 Religious Breakthroughs of the Year... That's all folks.
  76. 19leeryan: Keep your emotional shit out of science, ladies.
  77. SkillBasedGamer: Sexual harassment is a hymen breakthrough.
  78. aaron: Science isnt science anymore and thsts why we wont survive the next century
  79. Skdldldkj Dndjdkskd: Bunch of cucks
  80. swangooo: When you inject progressive feminist political issues into a video about scientific breakthroughs, you undercut your credibility as a science channel in favor of riding a political wave. Is this an attempt to draw a bigger audience? Go viral? Or are you seriously asserting that scientists raping people is a major scientific breakthrough of 2018? Your hastag metoo suggests the former, and as form goes, I am unimpressed with yours.
  81. Tom Dyer: So......not much then.......
  82. Randy McCall: Here's a break through all life on earth is the same age. You can not prove the age of anything stop the lies. Buy fire proof suits please you will need them when you meet the father of lies
  83. idot: The people talking about the “Me Too” bit are much more annoying than the actual part of the video. Just skip it, for fuck’s sake.
  84. victor gonzal: Wonder when they will say men's word being just as important as females when it comes to harassment will be a breakthrough....
  85. Osman Toplica: We had a nanobot transport a spermcell to an eggcell and you chose to include metoo?
  86. DrSharkBoy: Better than YouTube Rewind 2018
  87. Arek Krolak: Sorry excuse for #metoo discussion. Both science and anti-harassment movement deserve better than this...
  88. Tdaddyswall: Cool. But really? Me too? Fuck you
  89. Knight-Mares: Mew Too : guilty until proven innocent.
  90. ninny65: Social justice will ruin science It is not scientific
  91. Thulahdanlauss: Blazar 420
  92. CubedFenix: 1:57 *HARISSMENT*
  93. Someday I Will Fly In Interstellar Space: If we can really track zygote cell division the way this video asserts, that's some amazing shit.
  94. A Salamander at Heart: Ok most it was great, the Metoo movement doesn’t belong here
  95. Hurdygurdy man: Scientist nowadays can't break a sweat let alone answers to the universe, please stop embarrassing yourselves and admit you need a new theory, your making shit up now
  96. Eskimo Ninja: The movement for not calling male and female human beings by what they actually are is science moving backwards not forwards and is no way a breakthrough its a nasty tear in the current fabric of society.
  97. Best Gore videos: Me too doesnt belong in this list. Period
  98. TheDjteerah: And the Breakthrough in science technology is everyone going out and getting their DNA kits so now they have everything to test with test for to see where DNA strands are because people think that's the next greatest thing to go do really?? ?
  99. bryant Meeks: Me too is not a breakthrough let alone a scientific one. It is a constant battle and struggle suffered daily by millions. It was and is absolutely a much needed public revelation or awaking of monumental importance but don't claim it as a scientific victory someone cracked the code on. That devalues every survivors struggle to claim victory, in some capacity, simply for science...
  100. somebsaccount: MeeToo should not be on this list. Social Justice, Marxism, not only kills innovation, it kills people too.
  101. Bryan Copeland: I found a cool theory about the Greenland crater from Bright Insight on youtube. His man point is that when this meteor struck earth it was so devastating that it set some advanced ancient civilizations back to the stone age. He provides a very logical argument supporting his claims, and in my opinion has the best explanations surrounding some the mysteries of our past, specifically the great pyramids of giza. If your interested in this kind of stuff, check out his channel.
  102. adib z: Can woman and men work in different job company? So there will be no sexual harrassment at all? For example McDonald can create McD Men or Mcd Girl so every staff there is one gender
  103. Will Lancer: Many people read # as “pound”. Pound me too
  104. Evil Morty: MeToo is not a breakthrough, liberals are actually ruining the world.
  105. Frigus Moron: Fire whoever decided this
  106. R S: The #MeToo movement is not a fucking breakthrough, come on... They could do any field of science from 1995 and on if they wanted to, and there were so many interesting and fascinating things found in space this year... Take your #MeToo movement and just fuck off with it. *Its not science, its fucking politics.*
  107. john biggins: ALL BULLSHIT.......DISTRACTIONS...
  108. woop: If you want to include social science in this list, how about you talk about group think echo chambers that convince its members that they’re victims to the outsiders. Talk about how it enables people to ruin the lives of others for attention. Talk about the mob mentality it creates. Talk about how this type of thinking destroys individuality and divides people into groups. Talk about how you see this everywhere: with gender, with race, with religion, with sexuality. This movement isn’t anything surprising. It’s just the next logical thing to happen in 2018. Stop vilifying groups of people. It’s getting ridiculous. Apparently if a scientist is flirting with a girl and try’s to look at her Pluto tattoo on her shoulder because he’s genuinely interested in Pluto, it’s rape. Then let’s bring it up 20 years later and discredit his contribution to science education. I know people who have actually been raped. This is disgusting. Stop it.
  109. KNOT ALL THERE: Biased opinion.
  110. Murph E: This the same guy that made the Gillette commercial?
  111. huluminus: #metoo is a social issue.. Not a social science.
  112. Player: Glad they included #metoo, wonder what important breakthrough we missed out on so they could include that
  113. Adolf Hitler: so apparently metoo is a scientific breakthrough nice to know that false accusation that throw innocent people in jail is on the list
  114. Joseph Stalin: This video is a joke.
  115. aerospaceTUdelft: Fuck off MeToo retards
  116. Mr. Pants: The me too movement is not cutting edge science.
  117. Jun Zhen: nobody cares about women
  118. NattyHygea123: Treasure!
  119. Timothy Ellis: You had me til metoo. Really shouldn't be on this list. Down voted and moved on.
  120. S VhonDaCoolDave S: we need science rewind
  121. ap5170: The SJW’s are coming for STEM....just watch them burn it down.
  122. Fight For Your Freedom: Instant thumbs down for the #metoo garbage. What a fucking disgrace! .. and to think I was considering subscribing a few moments before that showed up.
  123. Common Sense: Tedx or tedtalks (I forget which one it is) has the guy who predicted that crater via that mentioned climate change on their chanel with a warning saying its counterfactual.
  124. Connor Townsend: Can someone teach him how to say harassment lol
  125. David C: Man the detail and patiences it takes to develop a galaxy or at least life on Earth is just astonishing! If don't believe in God then you have to believe in a grand creator. Whoever made us is at the very least solar system level
  126. Caetano7 DosSantos: Ooooooooh
  127. DeMon Spencer: I'm shocked that I can't find any comments about the scientific discoveries. Seems most are stuck on 1 two second topic.
  128. Okwaho: Whats with the metoo add? Or is it just virtue signalling?
  129. Dr Strangelove: So any news on the crater? Did it kill the mammouth or the guys who built the pyramids?
  130. Samyukth Rathod: Why is PUBG not in this list?
  131. J S: Hair ass mant.
  132. Jack: isn’t that a quazar not a blazar?
  133. Anthonyjh02: Luciano Bruna #FalseAccusations are just as serious.
  134. Nils Petras: Thank you for including MeToo. Despite a lot of spitful comments, there are people who appreciate that, like me. It may not be a scientific breakthrough, but a major breakthrough for science. And judging by some of the rarer comments which discredit the whole movement, there is still a lot ahead of us.
  135. Rafael Diaz: Wow. Thank you science magazine for ruining what could possibly have been a great video. [pound]metoo.
  136. Christopher Bross: Was peer review a scientific breakthrough? Of course it was. Improvements on how science is done are scientific breakthroughs just as much as the discoveries are and sexual harassment certainly hinders scientific progress. The #metoo movement is and was a scientific breakthrough.
  137. Harry White: One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong. Sing it with me. Of course I'm talking about the sexual harassment thing. I wrote it on my own then looked to see someone else had used my metaphor. Too late, I'm sending it through anyway. Other than the clear attempt to placate the lefties this had some good info. Thanks
  138. Daniel Clinard: The me too movement is shit. All it is is women acting like victims
  139. ryan2698 - Minecraft: Imagine losing your spot on this list to the fucking #metoo movement
  140. Lineage2Ertheia: Politicizing science... back to the Inquisition.
  141. Ben Morgan: All the incels in the comments raging about me too are hilarious.
  142. kegO: Pretty pathetic seems that this year was wasted
  143. Sommyarup Roy: U guys must be retarded to include me too
  144. mMMM SNIpPERCLIPs: RNAi Circulation
  145. King Julian: A breakthrough in the scientific process is still a breakthrough. If you can't understand that, then I don't know what to tell you! I've observed discrimination against women being an issue on many levels in science, so by giving women a platform to report on their experiences with everyday harassment and discrimination we are making progress... or a breakthrough, you could call it. That's why it makes the list, and it's a deserving member of the list.
  146. Fetus Deletus: #metoo does not deserve to be on this list
  147. Anthonyjh02: C.R. Salvador Very nice Essay Salvador that might get an A in Class.
  148. Seamus Boyle: So wtf does me too movement have to do with science? Real people are getting sick of this shit.. sjw are infiltrating EVERYTHING
  149. Daniel Cook: I am a historian and I know exactly how the future historians will tell this story. Back in a far off time when people still mutilated children's dick skins this wacko fucking crazy people witch hunted 217 men and all 217 where gulilty without trial , compared to the Salem witch trails these people where monsters.
  150. Aidyn Torgayev: Dislike for metoo
  151. Entropic: Wtf is this "me too" nonsense. Tainting this kind of video with such political filth is just irresponsible.
  152. kompera kompera: The MeToo movement is like: day 38, they still haven't noticed me. I'm trying to fit in as good as I can. Huge crater finding is beginning to become suspicious though.
  153. C.R. Salvador: A better Breakthrough in the sciences will find a rational consensus by an overwhelming majority, agreeing that women are not treated equally to men in many professional fields and in the quotidian life. If studies show that women earn less than men, and if studies show that women are more likely to be verbally or physically harassed in the sciences, then this is a scientific breakthrough ALONG WITH the anecdotal movement of #MeToo. #MeToo in science is, then, a significant scientific breakthrough precisely because it is IN the sciences that studies along with the movement itself, are accepting that women are not treated equally. And if a secular society is TRULY to rely on science, then a secular society has to find and treat any and every disparity WITHIN scientific institutions as problems of high priority. Of course, no one is saying to believe any woman who ever accuses any man of any wrongdoing. but to disbelieve or discredit the data is definitely to prefer a more retarded alternative, that is, to believe that a majority of women in the sciences i.e., are conspiring against men, (a) to earn more money and (b) not be looked at or talked to without fear by the men in their labs, who will continue to do the real work.
  154. Andor Kiss: Related to the "How Cells Marshall Their Contents", a study of phase-separation in eye lenses:
  155. Armand Faris Surbakti: FUCK OFF WITH THOSE POLITICAL SHIT
  156. Hunter Bear: Not sure if the me too thing was just a joke 😂👌 I'm pretty sure these science guys are smart enough to silent fart that one though. Funny guys haha
  157. Mantequilla OP: Fuck you to !
  158. Damien Wayne: The way he says harassment. He should be locked up just for that
  159. Mihai Lazar: I thought it was the Scutoids
  160. TheForresterOD: Was wondering why this vid had so many downvotes, but then I got to 2:00
  161. Tony: You should have given Bruce Jenner the scientist of the year award.
  162. Makar Lock: Last I checked, politics isn't science...
  163. Lominoth Productions: I don't understand how accusing scientists of sexual misconduct counts as a scientific breakthrough and not a humanitarian one
  164. achhe eff: Lol a CERN scientist was punished for acknowledging the post modernist atmosphere in science. #metoo has set the world back 50 years. It's not progress. It's a witch hunt now.
  165. Freedom Warrior: I think the greatest discovery was the fact that Newtons principia is a rape manual. Followed by the fact that E=mc2 is a sexist and racist equation that privileges the speed of light above all other speeds.
  166. fliperflopis: This was so good until you brought non-science politics into this.
  167. Jon Bain: sophistry the lot of it
  168. Anthonyjh02: ?
  169. mwj5368: I'm only amateur, but the number one, understanding the diversity of cells that are traced back to one single cell. I guess I don't understand what the gist of that is. Is it because they now have the technology to follow the first cell division and trace what happens all the way up to the development of a small living thing? By what means are they doing that, all with a new kind of microscope, or an electron microscope? Nice though to present these discoveries in such a talented film making way!
  170. John Smith: #metoo is not a scientific breakthrough.
  171. Hellfire Legacy: Thumbs up for not disabling comments!
  172. R. Fowler: Common Science Magazine I watched this video to purposefully not see any leftist propaganda such as #metoo, and yet you too have succumbed to this “idiocracy”.
  173. forward 3d printing: I read the comments, thanks for saving from watching this video.😎
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  175. COLIN LARKIN: How exactly is the MeToo movement science?
  176. Tyler Smith: Thumbs down for including #metoo. Not science.
  177. John Galt: Me sick of me too
  178. FrakU2: I'm still stuck on the neutrino detection! I have been waiting years for that....
  179. victor gonzal: +Anthonyjh02 oh you've noticed :)
  180. Michael Mclarnon: When political correctness goes too far...
  181. Madhave Stark: This list is one of the worst things that happened to science. It's a runner up on the list where Al-ghazali is the winner.
  182. Ammad Farooq: wtf metoo
  183. pottskiller doompotts: Thumbs down for virtue signalling. Me too is a political issue, not science.
  184. amielmatt: @Sciencemagazine this is a fuking joke. Not even cold hard science can be reported without the weeping gender studies leftist feminazie bullshit propaganda.
  185. Gurnard Herded: CLICKBAIT, CLICKBAIT I SAY!!!!
  186. J - Serna: Lol This entire list is hugely underwhelming...
  187. Henrik heum Larsen: This is the rewind we needed
  188. Vadim Tuchila: Oh look, it's Rewind Time!
  189. Benito Esposti: Wtf! Wtf?!?!? Me too? I am not saying its a bad thing, it is a great movement, but it has nothing to do with science, that is like if a magazine won best book of the year, it just makes no sense
  190. Harley Davitt: Why #metoo 🤦‍♂️ this isn't the snowflake centre it's science
  191. Robfu: Lost me at #metoo Fuck forcing your one sided politics
  192. sitnslide: So is the SJW crap there for the feelings-over-facts folks? Like a participation trophy? I guess Science (the journal) doesn't understand science (the discipline). It makes me wonder what real breakthroughs they eliminated lest some snowflake be offended.
  193. Geordie Plays: lol... my aunt is a pathologist and is married to the head patholigist with a tenure in the research department of a hospital... comments are funny XD
  194. Saysar: Can we please for the love of God keep politics out of science magazine.
  195. KpTroopaFR: everybody talking about #MeToo but nobody’s talking about the fact that the narrator is Kevin from Vsauce2
  196. MadakiNomaroishi: #MeToo is a fake cause and has nothing to do with science. Pointless off topic video. Channel blocked 👌
  197. claycon: You lost me at #metoo . there are better ways to help women. This movement has been weaponized for political purposes contrary to its stated intent. It’s also doing more harm than good. 👎🏼
  198. Lucas Fernandez: Me too lul wtffff??
  199. Joshua Israel: Wow #metoo, we knew you scientists we're all bias leftists, but doing it so blatantly, you are making people not trust you, stop this now.
  200. gunsmithbasic: I agree it was stupid for the channel to put that tag on
  201. bluestudio67: It was great until you brought in the non-scientific MeToo thing. Listen, that's your own mess to clean up. We couldnt care less about it. Just feed us science.
  202. maegap96: Boring...
  203. Evgeny Samovarov: metoo? You outa ur mind morons!
  204. Marcus Boswell: The #MeToo movement? It's so nice to see that science is woke... And think of all the guilt by association involved in forensic genealogy. After all, you don't even own your own genome. Science is cool!
  205. Jonathan Bryant: seeing the comment backlash really gives me hope. Thank you.
  206. Seth Cox: Little underwhelming...idk
  207. dan swojanovski: Csi using public's DNA to find criminals? Why are all of our private details becoming public record. Privacy policies all over being abused by government bodies
  208. WIFIGHOST CRUISER: #metoo...... oh give me a freaking break! I didn't think science and witch-hunts went together? I have no trust or respect for any supposed scientific publication that clings so dearly to liberal, snowflake ideology and Dogma. *FAKE SCIENCE NEWS*
  209. Ryan Lamb: Me too isn’t a break through related to science at all it it makes no sense.
  210. Mikael Kiprusoff: What's next? Putting the 2018 youtube rewind on the next golden record for the outer space to see?
  211. Marilyn: What is the cellular thing at the end ?
  212. Singularity: My videos will be nominated for 2019 breakthrough
  213. Fullbright: Worst year ever.
  214. victor gonzal: Wtf me too I want to talk about the breakthroughs...
  215. Insanis Stultitia: Science on a break neck pace. Everyday new and exiting discoveries and research on everything around you is being presented. While on the other side Religion and Faith nothing but thoughts and prayers to show for its work.
  216. Pratham Tangri: A lot of people missed the point of including #meToo here. They aren’t mentioning the movement as a whole, but the specific aspect that this led of lot of labs overhauled and a change of behaviour in scientific community, and the fact that it raised the gender issue in the scientific environment. According to Science magazine it changed the way scientists interact and work today, and that is why they included it. Now you may agree or disagree if it had that kind of an impact on the scientists, but simply rejecting it’s inclusion in the list is narrowmindedness
  217. Nikolay Petrov: Find the odd one out.
  218. Unity: What the fuck is metoo doing in my science videos.
  219. rentech: #notsubscribe... but I did
  220. Jeff Bommarito: Terrible video production . no structure and off topic
  221. †_Whexican_†: Who the fuck tagged MeToo on a science video
  222. cmetube: There's no name for the 2018 Breakthrough of the Year?
  223. K Night: Ummm y’all ain’t find the cure to cancer? 🤔
  224. Damien Wayne: This is so appalling tbh
  225. baroo biology: 👍
  226. Aaron Raufman: Lost me about half way through
  227. antongamerHD: sexual "harrisment"
  228. Vislav: Thank you science!
  229. Louis-Philippe Savard: Two thumbs up !
  230. Lucas Johnson: Some sociologist somewhere who was out of ideas decided to make a "study" about sexual harassment in a vain effort to save his career. The wannabe-victim crowd ate it up like candy.
  231. Randy McCall: This is crap
  232. Dat Boi: mE tOo WaS a BrEakTHroUgH iN 2018!!1!!1
  233. jpbme18: came for some science. left for the political shit.
  234. WhitefirePL: science, science, science... proopaganda... science again
  235. zachary fox: You're not scientists. You're activists
  236. Alan Land: So all the political powers on the planet visited Antarctica to view evidence of a "blazar?" LOL
  237. Athena: Absolutely subversive.
  238. jim hoolagan: Fuck the metoo
  239. TJ Last name: I was sexually harassed and assaulted by a female classmate back in 8th grade named Amanda Mays. #metoo
  240. Isaac Fisher: Guys are out here curing cancer and you throw the me too in there?
  241. Bobby Lonesome: Quality video if I ignore the me too bs
  242. Adam Tassone: #wetoo
  243. Tariq Khan-Kiyani: Not condoning sexual harassment but the science magazine must be published by dickhead who thinks the "me too" movement is a scientific discovery.
  244. greenpeople: Falcon Heavy? No? Okay
  245. Tezlashock: the meetoo movement isn't a breakthrough... please keep this out of science
  246. bbutc: You haven't summarised all the advances in weapons technology made this year that enable us to kill each other more efficiently? I guess the're still classified.
  247. FENRIS: That fucking insanity that is the metoo BULLSHIT shouldnt even be considered a runner up! political correctness and feminazi's AGAIN infesting the science community, its NOT a fucking "science" breakthrough, FAR from science at all, its the cancer that is feminism...
  248. Mark Branham: Oh no, you too?
  249. Easton Anderson: They stooped a little low trying to get support from #MeToo. Science should be first priority in a scientific video.
  250. Pham Nuwen: cry more
  251. Lucas Alexander: >MeToo >science WUT?
  252. radwizard: Canceled my subscription. Enough politics in Science. Keep your fucking postmodernism bullshit out of science ass clowns.
  253. Creepers Beware: me too doesn't have ANYTHING to do with science. Sure sexual harassment is a huge problem, but it donesn't belong on the list.
  254. Cameron Beltram: Where gravitational waves at?
  255. Ciara Donegan: So many people are being babies about the #MeToo movement... is it a breakthrough? Yes! Does it have an impact on the scientific community? Of course! Just admit you're mad that women are standing up for themselves and get over it.
  256. Erik: ive been looking for vids like this forever and one ends up in my recommended ty
  257. gwidiwichcapitalist rippingoffpeasants: Omg me too is invading science too?
  258. Scott Snyder: Crispr?
  259. Brandon Hughes: MeToo? Ha! DISLIKED
  260. Jason Ries: Sexual harassment is a breakthrough
  261. Vinayak Ambekar: 2:55 look like a skull
  262. Aws Pro: Your are just discovering now will the Quran mentioned this over 1400 years ago truly Allah is the greatest.
  263. Upset Groceries: It’s a sad thought that, amidst all the great scientific achievements this year, the MeToo movement got put on this list. At the very best, it’s a social movement, but that still doesn’t qualify it for a place among things like tracing our genealogy as a species or being able to track building blocks of life more efficiently.
  264. Warren NZ: Great video. Just headlines without too much detail. We can Google it for more if we wish. I agree Me Too isn't a scientific topic though.
  265. Caden Nickerson: Metoo is a joke. It is not a breakthrough in science
  266. Null Null: I think #metoo is a really important breakthrough that has the potential to end a lot of the sexism women face in western countries, provided that baizuo opportunists like you stop using it as a tool to show everyone how #WOKE you are. You didn't put it in this video because you actually care about women, you just put it in to signal your virtues which damages the credibility of feminism just as much as those who actively silence women and victim-blame.
  267. stark1987: aaaaand your sjw virtue signalling earns my down vote
  268. Charles Turner: I'm so passionate about science and this is just...a slap in the face at best. Me too??? What.the.fuck?
  269. Sonja Gröne: X xgfedfggrsdfgrttfrfsdvvrftegtrgj9kdderfghhugggggggtftghhgdtujdwtgxvxnfjfjflu,öjö
  270. Richard Goode: Cell development in response to a genetic condition with a aspect as DNA optional.
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2018 Breakthrough of the Year

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Science & Technology Upload TimePublished on 20 Dec 2018

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