Comedy - How Did This Get Made ? Ep. #109 Face Off: LIVE! (w/ Randall Park) How Did This - Music Chanel RSS

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Comedy - How Did This Get Made ? Ep. #109 Face Off: LIVE! (w/ Randall Park) How Did This

Best comment

  1. Daniel Robinson: Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon
  2. Alex T: Face off is a sick movie!
  3. Max William Lauf: I think it's a reference to that movie where Gary Oldman plays a little person. "Tiptoes," or something? I'm pretty sure HDTGM did an episode on it.
  4. RedLightMax: 56:17 Randall's Scientology theory on Face Off is brilliant.
  5. MarsHottentot: Jimmy as Castor Troy!!
  6. Tosh F: i'd go with Richard Pryor & Gene Wilder.
  7. Adrian Daniel: Reunion. Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones. Or gender swap it, subvert expectations, make it a comedy, go with Melissa McCarthy and Kate McKimmon...or, you know what, bring back Cheech and Chong.
  8. Max William Lauf: I love Jason's unabashed and enthusiastic love for this film.
  9. Michael Stern: I'm 27 minutes in and this is the best "How Did This Get Made" so far.
  10. Mandalorian Gaming: Estelle Getty and Shaquille O Neal. FACE OFF.
  11. SgtTravisBickle: Gary Oldman... Peter Dinklage... MINI-FACE-OFF
  12. nick lenos: Danny Glover and Mel Gibson
  13. rabidklein: Danny DeVito and joe Pesci
  14. Joe Devlin: 92% on rotten tomatoes...thats a real fact
  15. Daniel Robinson: Chris Tucker and Chris Rock
  16. adailydoseoffiber 1991: my faceoff will be with Samuel L Jackson and Denzel Washington
  17. Nick Rock: Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart
  18. kuribo1: Do you mean coleman or oldman? because those are two very very different people....
  19. terracottapie: At the dick conversation, everybody in the room missed the point. They kept their SAME dicks, but the wife would see the OTHER dick because it's attached to the guy with the same face she's used to.
  20. kuribo1: Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellan for the win....
  21. AndroidDoctorr: +Eoghan Wilkie Donald Glover and Michael Cera
  22. Caroline: Thank you so much for uploading! I've been looking for this for ages
  23. The Ghost of Gonzo: My Face Off film of choice... Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr.
  24. Gi joey: One of my favorite bad movies ever made.
  25. Stormwern: Replace Cage with Will Ferrell and Travolta with Prince, and give them both a cocaine drip.
  26. Eoghan Wilkie: nick lenos *Donald glover
  27. JackHughman: John Candy and Chris Farley

Comedy - How Did This Get Made ? Ep. #109 Face Off: LIVE! (w/ Randall Park)

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Comedy Upload TimePublished on 14 Jun 2017

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