Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019


Best comment

  1. Lisa Davis: OMG 😂😂😂😂
  2. Montgomery Sisters: omg what school give out condoms that school getto ash but it seem hype in there!!!!!
  3. Big Nad: Dawgggggggggg 😂😂😂 here ass in the back possessed and shit
  4. Nancy&Jasmin: Istg I’m starting to love these Vlogs 🤗💙
  5. stephanie dozier: Ya school give out condoms wtf lmfao
  6. • Yung.Midnight •: Did he literally ask for a condom...?
  7. Jalydia P.: 18:42 bihh said "shout out to... what's his name" 😭😭
  8. Destiny C: Omg they give y’all condoms 😂😂😭
  9. Kionah Elizabeth: y’all goofy asl. 🤣
  10. Slaying with Queen T'Niya: The girl with the shirt hair in the beginning hair is pretty
  11. Kyla Wilis: At 9:25 yo friend was making me mad bc wtf she do to him 🤣🤣
  12. Momo _______: Sierra C right 🤦🏽‍♀️😂😂
  13. winter. xx: Iamjust Alia my school does that 😂
  14. Just Tea But some shade: Bgcasb 1 best moments
  15. Krissy M.: react to BGASB Camilla Best Moments
  16. Babygirlnini G: This video came up and i was still wacthing the other
  17. babygirl 22: ❤️#NotificationGang at least y’all didn’t get caught this time😂😂
  18. queenshasha zahir: Eboni Clinton bitch u the scary one cause you ain't tell me when and where okay ion play with scary bitches cause u ain't coming i know. And u stay in school because u need better comebacks all I here is I'm a child and harry potter so shut the fuck up and yeah I'm gonna stop fussing with u cause it is clear ur scary. And tf I'm not gonna fuss with no Dusty ass bitch because If u was grown u wouldn't even be fussing with me so... u seemed a little hurt by what I said nice to know I got under ur skin 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
  19. Local.Shelby: Why Is it snowing 😒
  20. Amia Davis: I feel bad for y'all u guys have to go to school in the snow our school doesn't
  21. Ciana Walker: Lmao they really give y’all condoms
  22. Liliana Vargas: Keep the school vlogs coming 👌🏽😂
  23. deddd: 9:15 what she say ?
  24. Nadia_ Popping_: KaiiraKah slapping G’s every fucking hour 🤧 Yeauhhhh
  25. Jnyah Grant: 😅😅
  26. Nyanza Smith: OMG, Me and@iamhezo live in the same city, I never knew that untill I seen the high School, which is.. RiverSide.
  27. Bigbrazy Lexxs.: Mychaela Jade well mines don’t😂
  28. jizzy 13: Deamanis hair has me.....ion even know the word for it but he look fine as hell🤤🤤🤤 WAIT WAIT WAIT HOLD TF UP HOLD TF UP!! They give yall condoms WTFFFFFFF😯😯😯🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 im weak asab
  29. Eboni Clinton: Sorry but that girl need her damn hair done 💯🤧 . Tracks all out , YOU BOLD HEZO 😂‼️
  30. vermilliiobabe: I used to live in Oshkosh, Wisconsin but I moved Phoenix... I don’t miss that shit ( my nigga why you look like ET in the beginning 😂)
  31. أم غالية: Why does the guy in your thumbnail look like lil xan
  32. Slaying with Queen T'Niya: Yo dude who fixed his hair in lunch fineee asffff
  33. Charliss Judge: 13:53 that man to left look like a boogie 😭
  34. Zhyiah Washington: That’s my uncle son singing that song called Interstate
  35. Berry Draco: I’m dead af . She look like she ain’t wanna explain “oral sex” 😂😂😂
  36. art lady: ''bro cut the video'' DEAD ASH
  37. Tajianna Seymour: ZADDYYY HEZOOOO :D why do i love u so muchh....but add me back on Instagram..@babygurll2004 PLZZZZZZ????
  38. Megan Hey: They ugly as a mother fucka
  39. ayanna Davis: 60 and 70 degrees where wtf
  40. • Yung.Midnight •: SkinDeep Beauty they got all the fine boys there.
  41. Coyaa Monae: @13:47😂😂😂😂14:45
  42. Kaylen Mendez: This whole video had me geekinggg lmaooo
  43. Kamea Hutchinson: They stay doing DeAmani wrong asf lmao
  44. — Dream Avakin: First 💋
  45. Hamdiyah Ali: Amber G. Big facts 💀😂 I’m lowkey tryin to follow homie 🤣 someone drop his ig
  46. Carol Westry: MK 😂🤣
  47. Little Mixed Child: 💀🤣
  48. Tyrae Cheer: When
  49. Nerisa Rex: Bruh I fw these type of videos 🙏🏼
  50. Megan Hey: +queenshasha zahir come over here so I can drag your rat looking tracks out yo forhead
  51. vermilliiobabe: These teachers don’t get paid enough for y’all shenanigans👏🏾😂
  52. Bo Elle: Never missed an episode yet, look forward to this after work.
  53. Lauryn Brabham: Hezo cute asf 😍😍😍😍and his friend cute too
  54. Stephanie Smith: The nigga at the end in the blue jump suite look like a mf teletubie😭
  55. Melaningrl: 20:50
  56. Taneshiac: You really need to choose more lit songs
  57. Virall Ke: “Aye can I get some condoms” since when schools started doing this?😂😂😂😂
  58. Srinna Reyes: SkinDeep Beauty factsss I don’t wanna sound rude but they is ugly
  59. Niah Sierra moore: 11:50 his hair looked like one of my aunty shake and go wigs she wear on Sunday 😭
  60. Takisha Johnson: Omg nate 😂
  61. Pink Kaykay: ik im late but wtf
  62. MyJae Wilson: the whole time his friend said nigga but Nate actually spit bars
  63. Jay Fizzle: Notification gang 🤟🏼
  64. Adrienne: Taylor lindsey lmaooo we havin a WHOLE convo in the comment section😂😂😂 but prolly not, well see
  65. shona love: LMAO wait they give y'all condoms?
  66. Taquan Wilkins: U gotta keep these bruh they funny 🤙🏾😂
  67. Queen Mona: Who else though that was candy but was condoms who ask a teacher for condoms 😂😂
  68. Amiyah LaBarre: U live in Michigan?cuzz dats how the weather is here
  69. Heavenlee Martin: Damn you had to walk in all that snow... i had to do the same shi bruh like i was so mad! i didnt even want to go to school today but i have to! School is stressful
  70. SAUCY BRI: Bruh Nate fine asf...Ong
  71. Krissy M.: react to BGASB Camilla Best Moments
  72. Kimanaee: When we started talking he sound life young dolph
  73. Jeniah Vlogs: React to CEERADI !
  74. Ana Torres: Tell me why he be low-key looking like Lil Xan...@ 12:15
  75. TeniseNaChay: Here every vid 😎
  76. Amya Ares: Lmaoo “it’s okay, god loves you” I’m crying🤣
  77. The 9ine God: Where is this?
  78. Arianna Monet: Erika bgc 9 best moments
  79. Sonyaaa: Why are all your friends cute as FUCKK BROo like damn I fucks with them
  80. Zynayah Evans: What school u go to
  81. Jonathan da Silva: What was that girl doing omg 😂😂😂😂
  82. dyamond cherry: “Nah Bro she can be a lil ugly” 😂😂
  83. Tazalynn Hudson: Y'all school seem lit asf...... but Hezo u soo finee
  84. Kayla Brooks: I love you Hezo
  85. Dee Hunt: React to summerella, Love you and keep doing what you do
  86. Nastasiaaa: When we getting that part 2 storytime.......
  87. Krissy M.: react to BGASB Camilla Best Moments
  88. BRING ME THANOS: Hezo Melo TV old girl at the back of the class catching a seizure in that bx bruh I'm 😂😂😂💀
  89. Local.Shelby: Where u live.?
  90. Erica Sanders: I never seen snow!
  92. Carol Westry: Who else dropped they phone exactly when that girl knocked Hezo phone out his hand😂😂😂
  93. Ashleyuhhh: I know y’all heard them vocals at the end
  94. JJ Squad: 😂😂
  95. • Yung.Midnight •: Babygirlnini G watching*
  96. Brenda F: LaQueensha James Milwaukee
  97. Krissy M.: react to BGASB Camilla Best Moments
  98. Tejah CJ: Dude at @10:36 bout fine asf😂😍
  99. Mikayla Wright: broo these vlogs have me dyin 😭😭😭‼️
  100. Slaying with Queen T'Niya: Dang that teacher yanked TF outta him couldn't be meee hell nahh
  101. Malaya 2 Times: 11:00 😂
  102. Amari Mariah Tv: Now I see why hezo don't have a gf in that state he in they ass ugly except like a few of them but❤❤❤
  103. Babygirlnini G: Melaningrl im dead😂😂
  104. Erica Sanders: George Bull I live in South Florida
  105. Jay Fizzle: I love you tho deadass
  106. Slaying with Queen T'Niya: Them vocall att the enddd I caught thatt
  107. ajauna Washington: Adrienne where is that
  108. Cupcakke: Mine do because one year everybody was having sex with everybody and most of them got Chlamydia. So you can get them from the nurse and from the gym.
  109. Jamariya Taylor: Boy at 4:57 fine
  110. MK: Carol Westry lmao yeah teacher was like gotta be quicker than that 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️
  111. Destiny Sky: My high school didn't give out condoms but my college does and its a good idea
  112. itss monie: Bro where I live if a cup of ice hit the ground we ain't got school where you live you can make a snowman and still got school 😂
  113. Brenda F: Amiyah LaBarre Milwaukee
  114. Supremexlover 499: +vermilliiobabe I in Wisconsin
  115. Srinna Reyes: He needs to come Massachusetts
  116. Amber G.: drop Jackie Chan ig bro 😭
  117. Khiieblanco: Want a free banner/icon just sub to my channel and comment done when done
  118. Adrienne: Taylor lindsey look at Taylor ass😂
  119. Adam Smith: You think that was crazy? In Newfoundland Canada they got snow on the last week of JUNE! That is when kids are out. Crzy For Real!
  120. Carol Westry: Babygirlnini G is normal to them
  121. YouTube Queen: One snowflake falls in cali *SCHOOLS OUT*
  122. Melaningrl: They done went and got some damn condoms 😂😂😂
  123. BRING ME THANOS: Don't my son on part 7:39 Look like the dude who played Easy E from straight out of Compton 😂
  124. Guxxi Life: Why yall goin to school in the snow💀💀 I'm from Cali I've never seen some stuff like that😭😭 Edit: I SWEAR THE UGLIEST GIRLS BE ACTIN OUT LIKE THE SOME KIND OF CELEBRITY😭😭😭😭
  125. Mary Rojas: That’s dark skin 😝
  126. Cutie Pie Girla: 7:35 funny as hell
  127. Ebonie Brown: Local.Shelby milwaukee
  128. Pink Kaykay: wtf yall get condoms
  129. Caelyn 1D: “The seniors was wearing our freshman class out” 😂😂 he was so serious about that too He said cut the video 😂 he was tight Why they ignoring that white lady while she telling y’all to get out the hallways? 😩🤦🏽‍♀️😂
  130. BRYANNA: "She can be a lil ugly" lmao
  131. Adrianna Roberts: Wtf snow damn 😂😂😂😍
  132. Tamia Ishmell: More vlogs pleaseee I love them!
  133. Life withAlia: What kind of school is that our school don’t even give us condoms🤣😂
  134. Babygirlnini G: Sierra C that what i was sayin
  135. TheLifeOf Kiya: same weather where I live at like wtf they cancelled school today for us tho.
  136. Tajianna Seymour: And like my stuff up if its okay wit u!! thnxxx
  137. Jo Marie: i love these 😭😭 they funny asf to me keep em coming 😌💯
  138. Krissy M.: react to BGASB Camilla Best Moments
  139. Adidas King: Who dont
  140. Alaysia Moore: 8:45 I’M MF SCREAMINGGGGG 😭😭😭😂😂😂😂
  141. Adidas King: 5:47 she cute
  142. RANYAH NATION TV: that was kinda rude but its true
  143. Naiyaa Jaay: Nate look good😍
  144. Jayla Bear: Dang at my school if they think it’s gonna snow they cancel school....they once canceled school because of the rain😂😂
  145. Alicia Watkins: Eboni Clinton omgggg 😂😂😂 I was dying
  146. Hevybaby_Cece 77: Erica Sanders oh yeah I'm from Mississippi so I've only seen it a couple of times
  147. Destiny Sky: They know that they have sex so they give them condoms so they can at least be safe with it
  148. Deerah Boo: #notificationgang
  149. CaRd AgArio: I was gonna say that
  150. Nyanza Smith: OMG what if I see him in Walmart type shit, lol
  151. Goofy Maya: Tell yo friend I'll baird his hair😍
  152. Tee: @22:37 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  154. Princess Dae: School blogs lit asf no cap
  155. Aniaya Nelson: Dude with the grey hoodie lawddd
  156. •Unique Queen •: https://youtu.be/Asj0BaIAX3E Do a Reaction
  157. JASMINES WORLD: I'm in love with yuall hair😻😻
  158. tracy love: Alaysia Moore im weak 😂😂😂🤣
  159. Nadia Reed: WAIT A MINUTE 😅🤣😂😅 y’all can get condoms at school
  160. TheModPlug RPG: MILWAUKEE CRazy weather
  161. Kenya Shaw: You so fuckin fine😍 N I go to yo school😙 but I be scared to come up to u😔😭
  162. Brianna Johnson: Bro you gots to get a vid of you recording one of yo bros trynna talk to a girl i gotta see that 😭😂
  163. Dayna Lipscomb: I want to know how your grades look. Cause you don't do shit.
  164. Yae Yae: More school vlogs the best videos you make❤️
  165. kay kay: Dead laughing
  166. Adrienne: 0:25-0:28 I was saying the same thing yesterday🤧... This Milwaukee weather, mane🤦🤦🤦😒
  167. Navohnna Jones: He said Lord fargaud 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  168. BRING ME THANOS: Jay da youngin Interstate
  169. ivyaná a: lmfoooo fw it
  170. Asia Sanders: And they be sayin how girls be acting.
  171. MK: The teachers stay on y’all ass 💀🤣
  172. Nunya Buisness: queenshasha zahir Do you know how *stupid* you sound😂😂😂😂
  173. Miya Thompson: 😂😂I should’ve broke your phone
  174. Carol Westry: MK like when that teacher pulled Hezo friend by his hoodir
  175. Åłėÿšhå Yeet!!: You can have your camera out?!?! At my school if they see you checking the time they’re like “ GIVE ME THE FUCKING PHONE NOW!!!!”
  176. Nephtalie World: They give them condoms wattt
  177. Saryah Shykel: If yo school give you condoms you know you in the hood 😂😂
  178. RANYAH NATION TV: fuck that nigga buh
  179. Asia Cierra: Lmaoo that girl was about to shout her self out and daddy hezo said “Nahh”😂😂
  180. Krissy M.: react to BGASB Camilla Best Moments
  181. Kayla Brooks: That's my cousin Cameron you showed Hezo
  182. Hezo: IG-@iamhezo ‼️LIKE AND SHARE FOR MORE VLOGS‼️ #HEZY〽️EZY
  183. Hevybaby_Cece 77: Erica Sanders where u live
  184. Jayla Evans: 21:03 wtf condoms
  185. Mychaela Jade: It’s._ Lexx a lot of school clinics give condoms out 😒
  186. zada: i love your vlogs
  187. prxxcess raya_: Bitch you ugly
  188. Babygirlnini G: Why is u going to school in snow I would be at home
  189. Anya Smith: Wish y’all went to my school 😒
  190. Alaysia Moore: 7:35 LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO WTF WAS THAT?!! 😂😂😭😭😭😭💀
  191. MyJae Wilson: his friend has a lot of hair
  192. JJ Squad: thats skl ghetto ash😂
  193. Jakayla Watson: I hate Monday's
  195. Bigbrazy Lexxs.: Y’all school hella ratchet for giving out condoms😭💀
  197. Brittany M: 8:08-8:12 those typa laughs be boostin the comedy 😭😂
  198. Rikeyah's Journey: Good thing I moved from Milwaukee, Wisconsin bc ever since I did the weather got so bad 😂
  199. Noni .Brazzy’s tv: Nate so fuckinggg fine it’s crazy
  200. TARIQ SCOTT: 22:38. That note was lowkey slick
  201. Que Evans: The fuck y'all getting condoms for 😁😁😁😭😭😂😂😂
  202. vermilliiobabe: They don’t af I kno i used live in Wisconsin 😂
  203. Nae.Tiller __: I'm Just In The Back Munchin' On My Chips Gracefully 😭Damn 😂
  205. Pashion Davis: Nigga it was snowing in april
  206. Famous Brii: Fuck allat, what’s the nigga in the white Snapchat?👀💀
  207. Taylor lindsey: Mke Adrii tuff. 😂
  208. Lisa Davis: Hezo probaly one of the finest niggas at his school then its the one with the doograg and frill on 😵❤👅😍 And NATE 😍❤❕
  209. CIXRX 2fresh: Bro I can feel that cold weather through the phone
  210. yayaxx: 11:55 I don’t know this guy name but he so cute to me😂all hezo friends fine
  211. young_savage: school giving out condoms
  212. Cutie Pie Girla: I cant wait till high school my boyfriend going get some condoms to f***
  213. Miah Vasquez: Lowkey long af but im with it lol 👌🏽🤟🏽
  214. Hevybaby_Cece 77: Melaningrl wat time?
  215. lofi girl_: 4:25 doesn't he look like xanax
  216. prima donna: Your school vlogs are sooooo litt!
  217. Ganaya Hassell: React to @ytnmusic
  218. Tmunchies Love: it’s not like that in detroit
  219. shelby cyncere: I love you Hezo, keep making these school vlogs😋👏
  220. Amanda Grace Byrom: WTF yall funny af.
  221. Mari Lashay: these videos make me wish I️ was still in high school bro
  222. Malaya 2 Times: 12:03 😂😂😂
  223. Maijah Harvard: Bruhhh 😂🤣7:35 tho🤦🏽‍♀️
  224. BRENE XO: Wtf they give y’all condoms ... bitch flavors 🤣
  225. Brandi Mariee: Mrs .Osleyyyyyy Omgggg Most Def Gotta Go Back To Riverside 💯
  226. Taylor lindsey: Mke Adrii you boutta come to David stream while my phone still alive ? Lmao 😂
  227. Krazyy Haleyy: Breannon Hopson FRRRR I was like is we ab to die😂
  228. Diamond Fleming: This was kinda lit 😂❤
  229. Kartara Haywood: This makes me miss high school just a little bit
  230. Manasia Hoots: Hey
  231. denise niemba: damn u quick
  232. Christina Jayy: DAMN your school ratchet 😂😂
  233. Ariel: This from 4 months ago put here in Pa it snows a lot, if its a lot of snow to the point that it dont stop no school but if its a little like in the video than we still go to school
  234. Michaela Wiggins: DAMN it is that cold in the hood it snowed, and WOAH they give highschool kids condoms,WHY THE FUCK DID SHE KNOCK DADDY HEZO PHONE DOWN,(and his real name Justin)
  235. Dekontee Barnard: Nate is type cute 😭
  236. LaQueensha James: Where is he from?
  237. Deerah Boo: #hezymezymelosquad
  238. Babygirlnini G: babygirl 22 😂😂
  239. Canayah Faulkner: Omg do more school vlogs they're so funny
  240. Welcome2da. tone: Cause they used to that
  241. Queen Izzy: 😂😂💖💕
  242. Kiara Wilson: 😂😂😂😂 broooooo y'all high school years seemed fun 😭😭😭😭 y'all need help 😂😂😂
  243. laylay's channel: my school shuts down if there's even 1 thing of ice on the road lmao. But you still go to school in inches of snow XD
  244. Jasmine Coleman: Ain’t ever lied, Riverside whole Freshmen class full of jays😂🤦🏽‍♀️
  245. Symone Bre: I fw the vloggs
  246. Tanasia Davis: Yo school lit asf I needa kome their I be turning up like this at my school lol
  247. Nomi Treasure: Sis was in the back dancing😂.
  248. Jakiya Shaunice: Nah you know they school crazy going to school in the snow 😭
  249. Breannon Hopson: 4:35 thought I had a alert from the government about getting bombed by Syria 😂😂
  250. Dejanayha Hill: 11:00 got me dead
  251. Carol Westry: Caelyn 1D Ik they was


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Comedy Interstate Upload TimePublished on 16 Apr 2018

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